- Regular expression operations
This works on Unicode str
and byte (bytes
) strings, but they can't
be mixed: the search string, pattern and replacement must all be the
same type.
Regexp strings use \
for special regex meanings, so generally use
raw string notation for them to avoid the Python \
for a string containing \
followed by n
. Feel free to
concatentate search strings as necessary (also see tokenizer):
prog = re.compile(
'a' # first part
'b' # second part
p = re.compile('b') # compile pattern for reuse (or use cached)'abc') # same as:'b', 'abc')
filter(, ['abc']) # useful with higher-order functions'b', 'abc') # first match anywhere in string
re.match('b', 'bc') # == `search('^b', 'bc')`
# when not in multiline mode
re.fullmatch('b', 'b') # == `search('^b$', 'b')`
re.split(r'\.', '', maxsplit=2) # ⇒ ['1', '2', '3.4']
re.split('(\W+)', 'Words: words; words.', maxsplit=0, flags=0)
# ⇒ ['Words', ': ', 'words', '; ', 'words', '.', '']
re.findall('0.', '0ab0cd0ef') # ⇒ ['0a', '0c', '0e']
re.finditer('0.', '0ab0cd0ef') # ⇒ (iterator)
re.sub('0.', '_', '0ab0cd0ef', count=2) # ⇒ '_b_d0ef'
re.subn('0.', '_', '0ab0cd0ef', count=0) # ⇒ ('_b_d_f', 3)
# Pattern objects from `re.compile()` have functions above,
# as `'abc', pos=2, endpos=3)`, and:
p.pattern; p.flags
p.groups # count of `()` groups in pattern
p.groupindex # map of symbolic `(?P<id>)` group names
# Misc stuff
re.escape('.*') # ⇒ '\\.\\*'
re.purge() # Clear compiled regexp cache
Flags can be passed as the last argument or flags
to the functions:
re.compile('b', re.ASCII | re.I)
etc. match ASCII instead of Unicode. Inline:(?a)
. - DEBUG: Print debug info when compiling
- I, IGNORECASE: Case-insenstive; Unicode-casing unless
given. Inline:(?i)
. - L, LOCALE: (
case-insensitive depending on locale; very unreliable. Inline:(?L)
matches beginning of line as well as string,$
similar. Inline:(?m)
. - S, DOTALL:
matches newlines. Inline(?s)
. - X, VERBOSE: Ignore unescaped, non-charclass whitespace; allow comments
, e.g.: re.compile(r'\d+.\d*') re.compile(r'''\d+ # integral part . # decimal point \d* # fraction ''', re.X)
Raised on failure to compile or other error.
e = re.error(msg, pattern=None, pos=None)
e.msg # Unformatted error message
e.pos; e.lineno; e.colno # Index where compile failed (may be None)
These always have value True
in boolean expressions.
etc. return None
on no match.
m ='_(.*)_(.*)_', '_a_bc_')
m.span() # ⇒ (0, 6) # == (m.start(), m.end())
m.expand(r'-\1-\2-') # ⇒ '-a-bc-' # ⇒ 'a'
m.span(1) # ⇒ (1, 2) # == (m.start(1), m.end(1)), 2) # ⇒ ('_a_bc_', 'bc')
m.groups() # ⇒ ('a', 'bc')
m.lastindex # ⇒ 2 # last matched group
m ='(?P<first>\w+) (?P<last>\w+)', 'Taro Tanaka')'last', 'first') # ⇒ ('Tanaka', 'Taro')
m.groupdict() # ⇒ {'first': 'Taro', 'last': 'Tanaka'}
# (Named groups only)
m.expand('Mr. \g<last>') # ⇒ 'Mr. Tanaka' # also \g<2> and \2
m ='(..)+', 'abcdef') # Only last match available # ⇒ 'ef'
# Copied from input # regexp
m.string # passed to search/match
m.pos; m.endpos
Regular Expression Syntax Summary
Expr Matches
. Any char
^ Start of string; start of line in `MULTILINE`
$ End of string; end of line in `MULTILINE`
* + ? 0 or more, 1 or more, 0 or 1 of prev expr
*? +? ?? Non-greedy versions of above
{m} Exactly _m_ of prev expr
{m,n} From _m_ to _n_ of prev expr
{m,n}? Non-greedy version of above
\ Escapes special chars (`*` etc.); starts special sequence
[] Standard ranges; `\\` escapes special chars in ranges
a|b Match a or b
(?...) Extension (doesn't create new group)
(?aiLmsux) Set flags (see above); must be first in regex string
(?ismx-ismx:...) Enables/disables flags for ???
(...) Captured grouping
(?:...) Non-captured grouping
(?P<name>...) Grouping captured with name _name_ as well as number
\3 Matches (previous) 3rd group match
(?P=name) Matches whatever matched by previous group _name_
(?=...) Lookahead; matches but doesn't consume; e.g.
r'Isaac (?=Asimov)' matches Isaac only if followed by Asimov
(?!...) Negative lookahead; match only if ... doesn't appear next
(?<=...) Lookbehind:'(?<=-)\w+', 'ham-egg') ⇒ 'egg'
(?<!...) Negative lookbehind
Tries yes-pattern if id/name exists, otherwise (optional)
no-pattern, e.g., '(<)?.*(?(1)>)' kinda matches paired <>.
(?#...) Comment
\A \Z Start/end of string
\b \B Empty string at/not at beginning or end of word
(boundary between \w and \W or vice versa)
\d \D Digit/not digit
\s \S Whitespace/not whitespace
\w \W word char/not word char
\abfnrtuUvx\ Standard string backslash-char substitution