Sequences support the iterator protocol.
These divide into three parts. The built-in operations on multiple
sequences can take only sequences of the same base type, e.g., list
, but not tuple
and list
- Built-in operators: single-type, immutable
- Built-in operators: single-type, mutation
: generic and multi-type operations
See Language Summary for caveats on immutable collections.
Operators, lowest to highest precedence:
x [not] in s
: Containment or subsequence test.=
, etc.: Lexicographic by comparing corresponding elements.s + t
: Concatenation. Immutable returns new obj. Not supported by some types, e.g.,range
.s * n
,n * s
: s + s ... n times using shallow copies. n < 0 is same as n = 0.s[i]
: 0-based index. -1 is last item in list.s[i:j]
: Slice from i (default 0) up to (but not including) j (default len).s[i:j:k]
: Slice with stride k (i, i+k, i+2k, etc.). Negative k strides backwards.len(s)
: smallest/largest item in s.s.index(x, i, j)
: Index of first occurence of x in s between i (default 0) and j (default len). (Norindex
: Count of occurrences of x in s.hash()
: Immutable sequences only. All values must be immutable orTypeError
is thrown. Hashable objects that compare equal must have same hash value. More at Hashes and Equality.
When implementing these,
is useful.
See also Using Iterables for more generic
methods that operate on iterables, including map
, enumerate
, filter
, max
, min
, sum
, sorted
, all
, any
Below, s is any mutable sequence, t is any iterable and x is an object that can be stored in s.
s[i] = x
: Replacement at index.s[i:j] = t
: Remove slice, insert contents of iterable.del s[i:j]
: Remove slice.s[i:j:k] = t
: Replacement at indices. t must have same length.del s[i:j:k]
: Remove elements.s *= n
: Update s with its contents repeated n times. n <= 0 clears. n is integer or implements__index()__
: Append element x to sequence.s.extend(t)
,s += t
: Append all elements of t.s.insert(i, x)
: Insert x at index i, shifting subsequent elements. (Same ass[i:i] = [x]
: Remove and return element at index i (default -1).s.remove(x)
: Remove first element == x or raiseValueError
: (≥3.3) Remove all elements (del s[:]
) and shallow copy (s[:]
). For compatibility with non-sequence containers.s.reverse()
: In-place reversal returningNone
. Usereversed(s)
to return a reversed iterator (as s[::-1], but also works on non-indexable collections if they support__reversed__()
When implementing these,
is useful.
The default values in a slice xs[::]
are 0:-1:1
. Thus, you can use
to refer to the whole list:
del xs[:] # Clear (empty) list
xs[:] = [1,2,3] # Replace contents of list
ys = xs[:] # Shallow copy (`ys is xs` ⇒ False)
offers additional operations that can work on multiple
sequences of different types. These are inspired by APL, Haskell and SML.
count(start, [step])
: repeat each element of p:'AB'
repeat(x, [n])
: Repeat el forever or n times
Terminating on shortest input:
accumulate(xs, [f])
chain(xs, ...)
chain.from_iterable(xs, ...)
The built-in sequence types are tuple, list, range,
and bytes
See also Emulating container types.
Construct a tuple
with tuple()
or comma (parens are optional).
() ; tuple() # empty
a, ; (a,) # singleton
a,b ; (a,b) # pair, etc.
tuple(iter) # from iterable (tuple returns unchanged)
Becuase tuples are immutable, +
is inefficient. Extend a list instead.
extends standard tuples with access via
attribute names. These are exactly as efficient as regular tuples. The
typename (first) parameter is used only to set the class'
. The classes generated with this can be used directly by
assigning them to names or it may also be convenient to use them as
from collections import namedtuple as ntup
T0 = ntup('T0', 'foo bar baz'); t0 = T0('a', 'b', 'c')
class T1(ntup('T1', 'a b')):
def __init__(self, *_): self.sum = self.a + self.b
def product(self): return self.a * self.b
# inherited __str__, __repr__ display ntup name
Constructing ntups with a single **dict
parameter can be convenient.
Utility methods/attrs start with _
to avoid collisions:
: (Class method) Construct this namedtuple from any iterable._asdict()
: ReturnsOrderedDict
of names→values (dict
in Python <3.1)._replace(**kwargs)
: New tuple with some values replaced._fields
: Tuple of strings listing field names._fields_defaults
: Dictionary mapping field names to default values (≥3.7)
Python ≥3.7 has a defaults
kwarg to supply default vaules for init
params. For older versions, set default values with:
T3 = ntup('T3', 'a b c')
T3.__new__.__defaults__ = (12,13) # or e.g.: (None,) * len(T3._fields)
T3(1,2) # ⇒ T3(1,2,13)
T3(1) # ⇒ T3(1,12,13)
Subclasses of named tuples may want to set __slots__
to an empty
tuple to avoid instance dictionary creation:
class Point(ntup('Point', 'x y')):
__slots__ == ()
def hypot(self):
return (self.x ** 2 + self.y ** 2) ** 0.5
To build a new class that "extends" an old one, just add fields:
Point3D = ntup('Point3', Point._fields + ('z',))
Construct a list
with list()
or []
[]; list() # empty
[a, b, c] # elements
[x for x in iter] # comprehension
list(iter) # from iterable (list arg is shallow copied)
Additional method:
sort(*, key=None, reverse=False)
: Stable in-place sort using<
, returningNone
.- Use
to return a sorted copy. - key is a function that when applied to an element gives its sort key.
can convert acmp(x,y) ⇒ {-1,0,1}
function.- See also Sorting How To.
- Use
A range
is a constant size object with containment functions fully
implemented. Can be empty. Testing commpares as sequences: range(0) == range(2,1,3)
Construct with range()
range(n) # 0..n
range(m, n) # m..n
range(m, n, k) # stride by k; reverse if negative
Additional attributes: start
, stop
, step