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File metadata and controls

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» Overview | Assertions | Fixtures | Configuration/Customization

Pytest Configuration

Test Discovery

This is a summary of test discovery. For default values of configuration parameters, see 'Customizing Discovery' below.

--collect-only is useful for checking what discovery is finding. It can also be used to check for missing dependencies the code attempts to import.

Default Discovery

If --pyargs is given, no file searching is done and instead all arguments are interpreted as Python module names to load.

When a directory is searched, all subdirs not matching norecursedirs are also searched. Files to search for tests are:

  1. All .py files given directly on the command line.
  2. For each directory given on the command line, all files matching python_files.
  3. If no files or directories are given on the command line:
    • If the current working directory is the rootdir, paths in the config param testpaths (default rootdir) will be searched.
    • Otherwise, the current working directory will be searched.

After loading and files (see below), each discovered file is imported as a module using its test package name derived from the first parent directory not containing an file. (This directory is added to sys.path.) Thus, PEP 420 namespace packages without files have their internal paths added to sys.path and their files imported at the root of the namespace.

Top-level functions in the collected modules are selected as test functions if their names match python_functions. Functions within classes must also be in a class that matches python_classes and has no __init__ method.

Customizing Discovery

Changing standard (Python) test discovery describes both ad hoc and configured methods of changing test discovery.

Command-line options:

  • --pyargs: Do not search the filesystem; interpret all args as Python module names to load.
  • --ignore=PATH: Ignore directories/modules; may be used multiple times.
  • --keep-duplicates: (Normally they are removed.)
  • --collect-in-virtualenv: Do not ignore tests in local virtualenv dirs.
  • deselect=NODEID_PREFIX: Delect items during collection (multi allowed).

Config file (see below) / -o name=value options:

  • python_files: Prefixes/glob patterns of files to match during discovery. Default: test_*.py *
  • python_classes: Prefixes/glob patterns of classes to match as test suites during discovery. Default: Test*. Classes inheriting from unittest.TestCase also always match (via unittest's collection framework).
  • python_functions: Prefixes/glob patterns of functions and methods to consider tests. Default: test*. (Does not apply to functions in unittest.TestCase descendants.)
  • testpaths: Paths to search when none are given explicitly on the command line.
  • norecursedirs: Glob patterns determining what directories should be ignored. Default .* build dist CVS _darcs {arch} *.egg venv. (Virtualenvs are also detected via their activiation scripts and ignored unless --collect-in-virtualenv is given, but norecursedirs ignore patterns precedence over this.)

You can set collect_ignore in to programatically ignore certain modules. See [Customizing test collection] for an example.

You can also set a session-fixture which can look at all collected tests.

When a file is found during discovery a recursive search is done through all parent directories (up to the root of the filesystem) for files and these are remembered. The loading then proceeds in this order:

  1. The files found for the first-discovered test file are loaded in order from highest to deepest in the directory hierarchy.
  2. Step 1 is repeated for each additional discovered test file, but previously loaded files are excluded.
  3. If there is a in the rootdir (see below), it is loaded if it hasn't already been.
  4. The discovered test files are loaded in the order they were discovered, as per the section above.

As per standard Python module loading, if an file is present in any directory from which a file is loaded, it will be loaded first, preceded (recursively) by any files in direct parent directories. Note that this means files under test may be loaded before all files discovered this way have been loaded and thus cannot reliably be used for configuration of the load environment (e.g., to set the warnings configuration under which the top level of an will run). Possibly using the -p option to load a named plugin would be a way to deal with this.

Unless an file is also present in the same directory as a (and perhaps directories immediately above), making it a regular package, the loaded module will have a fully-qualified name of conftest and it will overwrite any previous entry for that name in sys.modules. Without fully specified package configuration for all directories searched by pytest, import conftest cannot be reliably used in test files.

Pytest import mechanisms discusses stuff about this. files are considered plugins, and the --trace-config flag will print information about them along with builtin and registered external plugins.

Uses include:

Command-line options:

  • --noconftest: Don't load files.
  • confcutdir: Where search stops

Rootdir and Configuration

pytest -h will print out the [configuration] determined by the command line options and config file settings. The rootdir and inifile are also printed at the start of non-quiet test runs and available in Python as config.rootdir (guaranteed to exist) and config.inifile (may be None).

Pytest has a rootdir for each test run used for the following purposes:

  1. Determining whether or not to use the testpaths configuration option, which is ignored if CWD is not rootdir.
  2. For storing information between test runs (e.g., the cache, below).
  3. The documentation claims it's also used for assigning nodeids but, from changing rootdir and looking at .pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids, this doesn't seem to be the case. It does however affect the locations set for nodes.

rootdir is set as follows:

  1. Use the --rootdir=path option if passed on the command line. (Not clear if this can be read from any inifile overriding the discovered one below.)
  2. Determine common ancestor directory (CAD) of all path args and current working directory. (The docs don't make it clear that, even with path args, the CWD is still used in this calculation.)
  3. The rootdir is the first condition matched below.
    1. {pytest,tox}.ini/setup.cfg are found CAD-upwards.
    2. is found CAD-upwards.
    3. {pytest,tox}.ini/setup.cfg are found in any of args-upwards.
      (Does this also check CWD?)
    4. CAD is rootdir.

The files found in steps 1 and 3 above must also meet certain conditions:

  • pytest.ini is always used, but but breaks if no [pytest] section.
  • tox.ini must have a [pytest] section.
  • setup.cfg must have a [tool:pytest] section

Pytest has (non-overlapping) command line options and configuration variables. Command line options can also be set in a config file using the addopts config option; config file options can be set on the command line with -o option=value or --override-ini=option=value.

Warnings Filter Configuration

For assertion information and testing warnings within code, see See Warnings in Pytest Assertions and Checks.

Python warnings are captured by pytest unless -p no:warnings is specified. By default warnings are displayed at the end of the sesion. There's also an ability to record warnings.

Command-line and Init File Options

The -W flag or the pytest.ini option filterwarnings take filter specifications as colon-separated tuples:


each of which is pushed on to the head of the Python warnings filter list (warnings.filters); thus, the last-specified matching action will be the one used.

The specifications are similar to, but not the same as the -W option for the CPython interpreter. The main difference is that message and module are compiled as case-sensitive regular expressions with an implicit ^ anchor at the start of the pattern , but without a $ anchor at the end unless explicitly specified.


-W error -W ignore::UserWarning`

filterwarnings =

In the last example, the module pattern thing will match thing.subthing and thingie but not other.thing.

Programatic Configuration

It's difficult to find a hook to do programatic configuration of warnings because it must be done after pytest.main() has initialized the test framework but before it starts discovering and loading the test and code modules. Pytest must suppress certain warnings during initialization; adding ('error', None, Warning, None, 0) to filter.warning before calling pytest.main() will cause it to throw an exception.

A in the root dir gets close, but that still leaves open the possibility of code under test in files being loaded before that (see above). Perhaps using the -p option to preload a "real" plugin would do the trick.


Pytest has a cache (new docs) supplied by the included cacheprovider plugin (enabled by default). Data are stored in .pytest_cache/ under the rootdir and accessible via the config.cache (API docs) object. The plugin adds the following command line options:

  • --cache-show: Display cache content (no tests will be run)
  • --cache-clear: Clear all cache files and values
  • --lf/--last-failed: Re-run only failures
  • --ff/--failed-first: Run failures before remainder of tests
  • -last-failed-no-failures: Behaviour when last run had no failures
    • all (default): Run all tests
    • none: Run no tests

The cache_dir configuration option (≥3.2) moves it elsewhere; it's an absolute path or relative to rootdir.

There is also a pytest-cache PyPI module which appears to be an older version of the above cacheprovider plugin. (Last release was 2013.)

XXX To-do