In this directory, we have a few example configurations that you can use to get started with customizing deployments.To use any of these configurations, you replace overwrite the contents of the config directory with the contents of the example configuration you want to use.
# to use azfinsim-linux configuration
> cp -r examples/azfinsim-linux/* config/
azfinsim-linux demonstrates Batch account with BatchService pool allocation mode. It is setup to have single pool with Linux VMs. The pool is setup to mount a single storage account as "data" using blobfuse (and not NFSv3). The configuration files are also intentionally minimal to demonstrate the minimal configuration necessary. If deployed with default parameters for deployment, the resources created will also be minimal, avoiding things like Azure Container Registry, Key Vault, etc.
azfinsim-windows is similar with intentions as azfinsim-linux, but it is setup to to use Windows VMs instead of Linux VMs. For storage, it uses Azure Files instead of Azure Blobs and mounts it using SMB. This configuration also demonstrates how to setup a start task for a pool. The config is also setup to run the AzFinSim demo on Windows pool in 'package' mode. Instead of using a container image, the application is installed on the pool in the start task. The application is then run in the task command line.