the project got upgraded to Yona2.0
a Hobby Operating System, minimalistic 32bit machine to run my weird code, check the gettoknow website for insight and code explaination, also if you have any seggestion or noticed something wrong I'll be happy if you contacted me.
[1] Assembly + Bootable + Reading from the Disk
[1] change to 32 bit mode
[00011] Working on the display driver (Text Mode)
[1] Defining and setting the IDT (Interrupts Descriptor Table).
[00001] Keyboard driver
[00001] shell (basic)
[00000] file system
YOT $> set time ; configure the time
YOT $> set date ; configure the date
YOT $> time ; show the time
YOT $> date ; show the date
YOT $> clear ; clears the display
YOT $> draw ; draw a face (one of my arts)
YOT $> exit ; now the cpu on hlt
simply have qemu and nasm installed and use:
$> bash