- Used the CREATE statement to create databases and tables. e.g
CREATE DATABASE database_name;
,CREATE TABLE table_name (column1 datatype, column2 datatype, ...);
- Used the SHOW statement to view available databases and tables. e.g
- Used the ALTER statement to alter the structure of a table. e.g
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype;
- Used the DROP statement to delete databases and tables. e.g
DROP DATABASE database_name;
,DROP TABLE table_name;
Database is a collection of tables. It is a container for tables. It is used to store data in an organized manner.
Table is a collection of rows and columns. It is used to store data in a structured format.
Column is a vertical entity in a table that contains all information associated with a specific field in a table.
Row is a horizontal entity in a table that contains all information about a specific item in a table.
Primary Key is a column that uniquely identifies each row in a table. It must contain a unique value for each row of data.
Foreign Key is a column that creates a relationship between two tables. It is a field in a table that is the primary key in another table.
Data Types are used to define the type of data that can be stored in a column. Some common data types are INT, VARCHAR, DATE, and TEXT.
CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a new database in MySQL.
CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table in a database.
SHOW DATABASES statement is used to display a list of all databases in MySQL.
SHOW TABLES statement is used to display a list of all tables in a database.
ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in a table.
DROP DATABASE statement is used to delete a database in MySQL.
DROP TABLE statement is used to delete a table in a database.
INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new records into a table. e.g INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);
SELECT statement is used to retrieve data from a table. e.g SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name;
UPDATE statement is used to modify existing records in a table. e.g UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ... WHERE condition;
DELETE statement is used to delete existing records from a table. e.g DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;
ORDER BY statement is used to sort the result set in ascending or descending order. e.g SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name ORDER BY column1 ASC/DESC;
GROUP BY statement is used to group rows that have the same values into summary rows. e.g SELECT column1, COUNT(column2) FROM table_name GROUP BY column1;
JOIN statement is used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them. e.g SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name;