Migrating your test cases to PHPUnit 3.5 will hopefully be a fairly pain free transition. However, there are a few known differences between test cases under PHPUnit and SimpleTest.
PHPUnit recommends it be installed via the pear installer, to do so run the following commands:
pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de pear channel-discover components.ez.no pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com
This has to be done only once. Now the PEAR Installer can be used to install packages from the PHPUnit channel:
pear install phpunit/PHPUnit
In addition to pear, CakePHP also supports placing the PHPUnit directory inside one of your vendors directories along with all its dependencies. Doing so is generally not recommended as PHPUnit is complicated to install as it is composed of many pear packages. Installing with the pear installer is easier and faster.
If you do wish to install PHPUnit manually, you'll need to place it and all of
its dependencies inside your applications Vendor
There are a number of differences between SimpleTest and PHPUnit. The following is an attempt to list the most frequently encountered differences.
These methods are no longer supported. Use the static methods PHPUnit provides:
and tearDownAfterClass
These methods were part of SimpleTest's test case initialization. start()
have no replacements. You can use setUp()
and tearDown()
replace before()
and after()
In the past the methods setUp
, tearDown
, startTest
and endTest
where supported, and caused confusion as they looked almost like the same thing
but in some cases you should use one or the other.
In the new CakePHP test suite, it is recommended to use only setUp
. The methods startTest and endTest are still supported but are
The method getTests
is no longer supported. You can use filters instead. The
web test runner now takes an additional query string parameter that allows you
to specify a basic regular expression. This regular expression is used to
restrict the methods that are run:
e.g. filter=myMethod
Only tests containing the string myMethod
will be run on the next refresh.
The cake testsuite shell also supports a -filter option to filter methods.
Many of the assertion methods have slightly different names between PHPUnit and SimpleTest. Where possible :php:class:`CakeTestCase` provides a wrapper for the SimpleTest method names. These compatibility wrappers will be removed in 2.1.0. The following methods will be affected.
-> no replacementexpectError
Some methods take their arguments in different orders, be sure to check the methods you are using when updating them.
Mock objects are dramatically different between PHPUnit and SimpleTest. There is no compatibility wrapper between them. Updating mock object usage can be a painful process but we hope the following tips help you in your migration. It's highly recommended you familiarize yourself with the PHPUnit Mock object documentation.
The following regular expressions should help update some of your more straightforward mock object expectations.
expectOnce\(([^\)]+)\); expects(\$this->once())->method($1);
expectOnce\(([^,]+), array\((.+)\)\); expects(\$this->once())->method($1)->with($2);
expectAt\((\d+), (.+), array\((.+)\)\); expects(\$this->at($1))->method($2)->with($3);
expectNever\(([^\)]+)\); expects(\$this->never())->method($1);
setReturnValue\(([^,]+), (.+)\); expects(\$this->once())->method($1)->will($this->returnValue($2));
setReturnValueAt((\d+), ([^,]+), (.+)); expects(\$this->at($1))->method($2)->will($this->returnValue($3));
Group tests have been removed as PHPUnit treats individual test cases and test
suites as composable entities in the runner. You can place group tests inside
the cases directory and use PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite
as a base class. An
example Testsuite would look like:
<?php class AllJavascriptHelpersTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite { /** * Suite define the tests for this suite * * @return void */ public static function suite() { $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite('Js Helper and all Engine Helpers'); $helperTestPath = CORE_TEST_CASES . DS . 'View' . DS . 'Helper' . DS; $suite->addTestFile($helperTestPath . 'JsHelperTest.php'); $suite->addTestFile($helperTestPath . 'JqueryEngineHelperTest.php'); $suite->addTestFile($helperTestPath . 'MootoolsEngineHelperTest.php'); $suite->addTestFile($helperTestPath . 'PrototypeEngineHelperTest.php'); return $suite; } }
no longer has methods to add tests to group tests either. It is
recommended that you use the methods PHPUnit offers.