A CLI to generate Game Boy Color lookalike images from an image.
The Game Boy Color can display any combination of 32,768 different colors (15-bit RGB), but at any given time, it can display only up to 56 different colors (ref.: Game Boy Color - Wikipedia).
- Palette colors available: 32,768 (15-bit)
- Colors on screen: Supports 10, 32 or 56
$ cargo install --git https://github.com/0x6b/gbc-image-transform
$ gbc-image-transform --help
Generate Game Boy Color lookalike images from a PNG image.
Usage: gbc-image-transform [OPTIONS] <INPUT>
<INPUT> Path to the image to be processed
-o, --output <OUTPUT>
Path to the output image [default: output.png]
-p, --pixelation-factor <PIXELATION_FACTOR>
Pixelation factor [default: 4]
-n, --num-colors <NUM_COLORS>
Number of colors to use [default: 56]
-t, --transparent
Whether to include transparent pixels in the color palette
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
The CLI should support any image format supported by the image crate, but tested with JPEG and PNG. The format is determined from the path
's file extension.
MIT. See LICENSE for details.