Official documentation:
- An OpenStack cluster
- The official CentOS 7.8 2003 image pre-loaded in Glance
- Three VMs with 8 vCPUs, 16 GB of RAM, 40GB of local storage
Create one private network in the OpenStack cluster with port security disabled, and a subnet in it:
- Control-plane network:
Create VM instances using the CentOS 7.8 image, and attach each of them to a public network (for internet access) and the two private networks.
Configure the interface for private network (make sure to fill in the appropriate MAC address):
$ cat > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 << EOF BOOTPROTO=dhcp DEVICE=eth1 HWADDR=... ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet USERCTL=no PEERDNS=no EOF $ systemctl restart network
On one of the VMs, which will act as the bootstrap node, perform the following steps:
Set up the Salt Minion ID:
$ mkdir /etc/salt; chmod 0700 /etc/salt $ echo metalk8s-bootstrap > /etc/salt/minion_id
Download MetalK8s ISO to
:$ mkdir /etc/metalk8s $ cat > /etc/metalk8s/bootstrap.yaml << EOF apiVersion: kind: BootstrapConfiguration networks: controlPlane: "" workloadPlane: "" ca: minion: metalk8s-bootstrap archives: - /home/centos/metalk8s-2.7.iso EOF
Bootstrap the cluster
$ mkdir /mnt/metalk8s-2.7 $ mount /home/centos/metalk8s-2.7.iso /mnt/metalk8s-2.7 $ cd /mnt/metalk8s-2.7 $ ./
Add the 2 other nodes to the cluster according to the procedure outlined in the MetalK8s documentation. The easiest way to achieve this is through the MetalK8s UI.
On the bootstrap node:
Configure access to the Kubernetes API server
$ export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
Remove taints from the node, which would prevent the Sonobuoy Pods from being scheduled:
$ kubectl taint node metalk8s-bootstrap node/metalk8s-bootstrap untainted $ kubectl taint node metalk8s-bootstrap node/metalk8s-bootstrap untainted
Follow the instructions as found in the CNCF K8s Conformance repository.