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Folders and files

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To reproduce

Set up the cluster

  1. Login to
  2. Press the "Create Cluster" button
  3. Pick Kubernetes version v1.18.x
  4. Complete the create cluster wizard with either DigitalOcean or AWS (using a security group that allows all inbound trafic).

When the cluster is up and running,

  1. Download the kubeconfig file.
  2. Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.

Run the conformance test

Download a binary release of the CLI, or build it yourself by running:

$ go get -u -v

Deploy a Sonobuoy pod to your cluster with:

$ sonobuoy run --mode certified-conformance --dns-pod-labels ",app=coredns"

View actively running pods:

$ sonobuoy status

To inspect the logs:

$ sonobuoy logs

Once sonobuoy status shows the run as completed, copy the output directory from the main Sonobuoy pod to a local directory:

$ outfile=$(sonobuoy retrieve)

This copies a single .tar.gz snapshot from the Sonobuoy pod into your local . directory. Extract the contents into ./results with:

mkdir ./results; tar xzf $outfile -C ./results