- Login to https://dev.kubermatic.io/
- Press the "Create Cluster" button
- Pick Kubernetes version v1.18.x
- Complete the create cluster wizard with either DigitalOcean or AWS (using a security group that allows all inbound trafic).
When the cluster is up and running,
- Download the kubeconfig file.
- Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable
export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig
Download a binary release of the CLI, or build it yourself by running:
$ go get -u -v github.com/heptio/sonobuoy
Deploy a Sonobuoy pod to your cluster with:
$ sonobuoy run --mode certified-conformance --dns-pod-labels "app.kubernetes.io/name=kube-dns,app=coredns"
View actively running pods:
$ sonobuoy status
To inspect the logs:
$ sonobuoy logs
Once sonobuoy status
shows the run as completed
, copy the output directory from the main Sonobuoy pod to a local directory:
$ outfile=$(sonobuoy retrieve)
This copies a single .tar.gz
snapshot from the Sonobuoy pod into your local
directory. Extract the contents into ./results
mkdir ./results; tar xzf $outfile -C ./results