Deep Learning NLP Pipeline implemented on Tensorflow purely by python. Following the 'simplicity' rule, this project aims to provide an easy python version implementation of NLP pipeline based on Tensorflow platform. It serves the same purpose as Google SyntaxNet but is easier to install, read and extend(purely in python), which also require fewer dependency. (Installing Bazel on my machine is painful...)
NLP Pipeline Modules:
- Word Segmentation/Tokenization
- Part-of-speech (POS)
- Named-entity-recognition(NER)
- Planed: Parsing, Automatic Summarization
Algorithm(Closely following the state-of-Art)
- Word Segmentation: Linear Chain CRF(conditional-random-field), based on python CRF++ module
- POS: LSTM/BI-LSTM network, based on Tensorflow
- NER: LSTM/BI-LSTM/LSTM-CRF network, based on Tensorflow
Pre-trained Model
- Chinese: Segmentation, POS, NER (1998 china daily corpus)
- English: POS (brown corpus)
- For your Specific Language, you can easily use the shell to train model with the corpus of your language choice.
- Tensorflow(>=0.10.0) LSTM module in Tensorflow change a lot since 0.10.0 compared to previous versions
- CRF++ (>=0.54) Download from:
# windows: tensorflow is not supported on windows right now, so is deepnlp
# linux, run the script:
pip install deepnlp
- Download source deepnlp-0.1.3.tar.gz:
# linux, run the script:
tar zxvf deepnlp-0.1.3.tar.gz
cd deepnlp-0.1.3
python install
- Running Test scripts
# linux, run the script:
cd test
# Check if output is correct
Set Coding 设置编码
import sys
print sys.getdefaultencoding()
import deepnlp.segmenter as segmenter
text = "我爱吃北京烤鸭"
segList = segmenter.seg(text.decode('utf-8')) # python 2: function input: unicode, return unicode
text_seg = " ".join(segList)
print (text.encode('utf-8'))
print (text_seg.encode('utf-8'))
## English Model Brown Corpus
import deepnlp.segmenter as segmenter
from deepnlp import pos_tagger
tagger = pos_tagger.load_model(lang = 'en') # Loading English model, lang code 'en'
text = "I will see a funny movie"
words = text.split(" ")
print (" ".join(words).encode('utf-8'))
#POS Tagging
tagging = tagger.predict(words)
for (w,t) in tagging:
str = w + "/" + t
print (str.encode('utf-8'))
## Chinese Model China Daily Corpus
import deepnlp.segmenter as segmenter
from deepnlp import pos_tagger
tagger = pos_tagger.load_model(lang = 'zh') # Loading Chinese model, lang code 'zh'
text = "我爱吃北京烤鸭"
words = segmenter.seg(text.decode('utf-8')) # words in unicode coding
print (" ".join(words).encode('utf-8'))
#POS Tagging
tagging = tagger.predict(words) # input: unicode coding
for (w,t) in tagging:
str = w + "/" + t
print (str.encode('utf-8'))
#我/r 爱/v 吃/v 北京/ns 烤鸭/n
import deepnlp.segmenter as segmenter
from deepnlp import ner_tagger
tagger = ner_tagger.load_model(lang = 'zh') # Loading Chinese NER model
text = "我爱吃北京烤鸭"
words = segmenter.seg(text.decode('utf-8'))
print (" ".join(words).encode('utf-8'))
#NER tagging
tagging = tagger.predict(words)
for (w,t) in tagging:
str = w + "/" + t
print (str.encode('utf-8'))
#我/nt 爱/nt 吃/nt 北京/p 烤鸭/nt
from deepnlp import pipeline
p = pipeline.load_model('zh')
text = "我爱吃北京烤鸭"
res = p.analyze(text.decode('utf-8'))
print (res[0].encode('utf-8'))
print (res[1].encode('utf-8'))
print (res[2].encode('utf-8'))
words = p.segment(text)
pos_tagging = p.tag_pos(words)
ner_tagging = p.tag_ner(words)
print (pos_tagging.encode('utf-8'))
print (ner_tagging.encode('utf-8'))
自己训练模型 ###Segment model Install CRF++ 0.58 Follow the instructions
Split your data into train.txt and test.txt with format of one sentence per each line: "word1 word2 ...". Put train.txt and test.txt under folder ../deepnlp/segment/data Run to convert data file to word_tag format and get train_word_tag.txt; For Chinese, we are using 4 tags representing: 'B' Begnning , 'M' Middle, 'E' End and 'S' Single Char
我 'S'
喜 'B'
欢 'E'
python train.txt train_word_tag.txt
Sample Template file is included in the package You can specift the unigram and bigram feature template needed by CRF++
# Train Model Using CRF++ command
crf_learn -f 3 -c 4.0 ${LOCAL_PATH}/data/template ${LOCAL_PATH}/data/train_word_tag.txt crf_model
###POS model
First, prepare your corpus and split into 3 files: 'train.txt', 'dev.txt', 'test.txt'. Each line in the file represents one annotated sentence, in this format: "word1/tag1 word2/tag2 ...", separated by white space.
POS/NN tagging/NN is/VBZ now/RB done/VBN in/IN the/DT context/NN of/IN computational/JJ linguistics/NNS ./.
充满/v 希望/n 的/u 新/a 世纪/n ——/w 一九九八年/t 新年/t 讲话/n (/w 附/v 图片/n 1/m 张/q )/w
So model can find training data files. Download the source of package and put all three corpus files in the folder ../deepnlp/pos/data/zh for your specific language option, create subfolders .../data/'your_language_code' and .../ckpt/'your_language_code' you can change data_path setting in and
python en # LSTM model English
python zh # LSTM model Chinese
python en # Bi-LSTM model English
python zh # Bi-LSTM model Chinese
###NER model
python zh # training Chinese model
deepnlp项目是基于Tensorflow平台的一个python版本的NLP套装, 目的在于将Tensorflow深度学习平台上的模块,结合 最新的一些算法,提供NLP基础模块的支持,并支持其他更加复杂的任务的拓展,如生成式文摘等等。
NLP 套装模块
- 分词 Word Segmentation/Tokenization
- 词性标注 Part-of-speech (POS)
- 命名实体识别 Named-entity-recognition(NER)
- 计划中: 句法分析 Parsing, 自动生成式文摘 Automatic Summarization
- 分词: 线性链条件随机场 Linear Chain CRF, 基于CRF++包来实现
- 词性标注: 单向LSTM/ 双向BI-LSTM, 基于Tensorflow实现
- 命名实体识别: 单向LSTM/ 双向BI-LSTM/ LSTM-CRF 结合网络, 基于Tensorflow实现
- 中文: 基于人民日报语料和微博混合语料: 分词, 词性标注, 实体识别
- Tensorflow(>=0.10.0) Tensorflow 0.10.0 里的LSTM模块和以前版本相比有较大变化,所以尽量以最新的为基准;
- CRF++ (>=0.54) 可以从 下载安装
Pip 安装
# windows: tensorflow is not supported on windows right now, so is deepnlp
# linux, run the script:
pip install deepnlp
- 从源码安装, 下载deepnlp-0.1.1.tar.gz文件:
# linux, run the script:
tar zxvf deepnlp-0.1.1.tar.gz
cd deepnlp-0.1.1
python install
- CRF++ package:
- Tensorflow:
- Word Segmentation Using CRF++ Blog: