ConEmu / CygWin Portable for SysAdmins
This is an independent fork of amazing cygwin-portable-installer project
Modded specially for sysadmin purposes. Your Linux shell On Windows
This will install portable CygWin environment and connect to portable ConEmu console emulator, so you will have all required tools for server management in one folder which can be moved between PCs and/or run from USB stick
In order to install ConCygSys successully, make sure you uninstalled any existing non-portable CygWin and ConEmu instances. Also disable antivirus software on your PC. Why it is recommended
- Create a folder on your PC where you want to store ConCygSys, let it be
- Download installer from this link (right click > save link as) to
- Launch
you downloaded toD:\concygsys\
- Once the installation is finished, launch the desired shell:
to run CygWin via ConEmu (if installed) - awesome multitab quake-style console - recommendedConCygSys-bash.cmd
to run CygWin in standard Windows console - helpful for CygWin behaviour troubleshootingConCygSys-mintty.cmd
to run CygWin via MinTTY terminal emulator - fully xterm-compatible, but without multitab and quake-style support - launch to access a server producing artefacts in ConEmu
- have fun
- Ctrl+` - open/hide console
- Select by Left Click and release - copy
- Right click - paste
- Double click on Tab - rename a tab
- Double click on Tab Panel - open a new tab
If you open ConCygSys-installer.cmd
with Notepad++ (forget about standard Notepad, it will mess everything up), you will get a control over the installation settings.
Available options:
- the desired username (defaults to root)
default: root
- override processor architecture, for instance if you want to install 32bit CygWin on 64bit Windows
default: empty
- a mirror you would like to download CygWin from
- packages to install
default: bind-utils,curl,inetutils,ipcalc,openssh,openssl,unzip,vim,whois,zip
- the language of your command prompt
default: en_US.UTF-8
- install apt-cyg package manager
default: yes
- install bash-funk - adaptive Bash prompt
default: yes
- install Parallel SSH tool on bash
default: yes
- install Parallel SCP tool on bash
default: yes
- install SSH agent enhancements
default: yes
- install Bash prompt enhancements (disables bash-funk)
default: yes
- install ConEmu console
default: yes
Is ConCygSys fully portable?
Yes, you can install it on USB stick, move installation to different folder and different PC
How Can I access Windows drives?
/mnt/DRIVE. Additionally current Windows user folder is mapped to /home/WINUSER
Can I change username after installation
Yes, just open your favourite installer cmd file with NotePad++ and set a new username in USERNAME=
All files are released under the Apache License 2.0.