🦀 INFINI Pizza for WebAssembly, A super-lightweight (~200KB) but full featured static-site search engine written in Rust. 🍕
Elasticsearch GUI client for Mac, windows and linux, Opensearch GUI client for Mac, windows and linux
Get the unique machine id of any host (without admin privileges)
Browser-based management platform of machine, database (mysql pgsql oracle sqlserver Gauss sqlite), redis(standalone sentinel cluster), mongo unified management and operation platform. (web版linux(终…
A JavaScript implementation of the elasticsearch Query DSL
This is a simple and user-friendly data source management platform. Currently, the official plugin supports management of ElasticSearch versions 6, 7, and 8
Pizza engine, code name FIRE (Fast Indexing and Retrieval Engine), is a fully functional real-time search engine library developed in Rust. Designed for efficiency and versatility, FIRE delivers hi…
🧨 A easy to use and human-friendly DSL for conducting test assessments with INFINI Loadgen.
🔥 Benchmarking for INFINI Pizza's Core Engine - FIRE.
微前端中后台系统模版。使用了qiankun, Vue3, Webpack5, Vite4, React18, TypeScript等最新主流技术框架,开箱即用的中后台前端解决方案。 页面tabs缓存,模块联邦,应用全局状态管理。
Vue typescript class component decorators
🔥基于 vue3 + vite5 + typescript + element-plus 构建的后台管理前端模板(配套后端源码),vue-element-admin 的 vue3 版本。
📜 Generates table of contents for markdown files inside local git repository. Links are compatible with anchors generated by github or other sites.
fyne-io / systray
Forked from getlantern/systraya cross platfrom Go library to place an icon and menu in the notification area
karol-f / vue-custom-element
Forked from vuejs/vue-elementVue Custom Element - Web Components' Custom Elements for Vue.js
🚲 STConvert is analyzer that convert chinese characters between traditional and simplified.中文简繁體互相转换.