How to Make
1. How to use make, Visual Studio Code and gcc in CSE VLAB
2. How to build and run a C project
3. Include Guard in a header file (see myadd.h)
4. Don't put definitions of global variables and functions in a header file (see myadd.h)
5. The four steps of the gcc driver in generating an executable program
6. The rules in Makefile
COMP9024 24T2
In software development, make is a build automation tool that helps build executable programs and libraries from source code.
It does this by following rules specified in files called makefiles.
These rules (e.g. COMP9024/C/HowToMake/Makefile) tell the 'make' tool how to construct an internal Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for a project.
1 How to download this project in CSE VLAB
Open a terminal (Applications -> Terminal Emulator)
$ git clone https://github.com/sheisc/COMP9024.git
$ cd COMP9024/C/HowToMake
2 How to start Visual Studio Code to browse/edit/debug a project.
HowToMake$ code
Two configuration files (HowToMake/.vscode/launch.json and HowToMake/.vscode/tasks.json) have been preset.
In the window of Visual Studio Code, please click "File" and "Open Folder",
select the folder "COMP9024/C/HowToMake", then click the "Open" button.
click Terminal -> Run Build Task
Open src/main.c, and click to add a breakpoint (say, line 12).
Then, click Run -> Start Debugging
├── Makefile defining set of tasks to be executed (the input file of the 'make' command)
├── Makefile.V2 Generating prerequisites automatically, more precise than Makefile, but more complex.
├── README.md introduction to this tutorial
├── images containing image files (*.png and *.jpg)
|── test.c for demonstrating the four stages of gcc
├── src containing *.c and *.h
│ ├── main.c
│ ├── main.h
│ ├── myadd.c
│ ├── myadd.h
│ ├── mysub.c
│ └── mysub.h
└── .vscode containing configuration files for Visual Studio Code
├── launch.json specifying which program to debug and with which debugger,
| used when you click "Run -> Start Debugging"
└── tasks.json specifying which task to run (e.g., 'make' or 'make clean')
used when you click "Terminal -> Run Build Task" or "Terminal -> Run Task"
In addition to utilizing VS Code, we can also compile and execute programs directly from the command line interface as follows.
HowToMake$ make
make main
make[1]: Entering directory 'COMP9024/C/HowToMake'
gcc -g -I COMP9024/C/HowToMake/src -c src/myadd.c -o build/myadd.o
gcc -g -I COMP9024/C/HowToMake/src -c src/main.c -o build/main.o
gcc -g -I COMP9024/C/HowToMake/src -c src/mysub.c -o build/mysub.o
gcc -g -I COMP9024/C/HowToMake/src -o main ./build/myadd.o ./build/main.o ./build/mysub.o
make[1]: Leaving directory 'COMP9024/C/HowToMake'
HowToMake$ ./main
Hello COMP9024
add(9000, 24) = 9024
sub(9000, 24) = 8976
HowToMake$ make
make main
make[1]: Entering directory 'COMP9024/C/HowToMake'
make[1]: 'main' is up to date.
make[1]: Leaving directory 'COMP9024/C/HowToMake'
// If we modify src/myadd.c, only the modified parts (i.e., 'build/myadd.o' and 'main') need to be recreated.
HowToMake$ make
make main
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/iron/github/COMP9024/C/HowToMake'
gcc -g -I COMP9024/C/HowToMake/src -c src/myadd.c -o build/myadd.o
gcc -g -I COMP9024/C/HowToMake/src -o main ./build/myadd.o ./build/main.o ./build/mysub.o
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/iron/github/COMP9024/C/HowToMake'
HowToMake$ pwd
HowToMake$ find ./src -name "*.c"
HowToMake$ find ./src -name "*.h"
4 The rules in COMP9024/C/HowToMake/Makefile
# How to Use
# (1) Build the project
# make
# (2) Run the executable
# ./main
# (3) Clean the project
# make clean
# If you want to know more about makefile, please refer to:
# https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Rule-Syntax.html
# You can reuse this Makefile in different assignments/projects in COMP9024.
# To be simple, please put your *.c and *.h in the src directory.
# COMP9024 24T2
PROJ_ROOT_PATH = $(shell pwd)
BUILD_DIR = build
C_SRC_FILES = $(shell find ./src -name "*.c")
H_SRC_FILES = $(shell find ./src -name "*.h")
# src/*.c ---> src/*.o ---> build/*.o
CC= gcc
# create a directory
$(shell mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR))
# the default target
make $(TARGET_EXE)
# generate the target, which depends on the "build/*.o" files
# How to generate a "build/*.o" from a "src/*.c"
# To generate prerequisites automatically, please see Makefile.V2
# https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Automatic-Prerequisites.html
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: src/%.c $(H_SRC_FILES)
@mkdir -p $(shell dirname $@)
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $< -o $@
# clean all the files generated
find . -name "*.o" | xargs rm -f
find . -name "*.s" | xargs rm -f
find . -name "*.i" | xargs rm -f
find . -name "*.d" | xargs rm -f
find . -name "*.bc" | xargs rm -f
In the following rule in COMP9024/C/HowToMake/Makefile,
we simply and conservatively assume a *.o file (e.g., 'build/myadd.o') depends on all *.h files (specified by H_SRC_FILES).
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: src/%.c $(H_SRC_FILES)
@mkdir -p $(shell dirname $@)
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $< -o $@
Explanation of the above rule in COMP9024/C/HowToMake/Makefile
the name of the target being generated, e.g., build/myadd.o
the first prerequisite (usually a source file), e.g., src/myadd.c
Take 'build/myadd.o' as an example.
The target 'build/myadd.o' conservatively depends on 'src/myadd.c', 'src/myadd.h', 'src/mysub.h', 'src/main.h'.
To generate 'build/myadd.o', the 'make' tool will run the following commands:
mkdir -p build
gcc -g -I COMP9024/C/HowToMake/src -c src/myadd.c -o build/myadd.o
5 The internal Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in COMP9024/C/HowToMake/Makefile
The make utility compares the modification time of the target file with that of the dependency files.
If any dependency file has a modification time more recent than its corresponding target file,
it necessitates the recreation of the target file.
For example, if src/main.c is newer than build/main.o, then build/main.o and main will be rebuilt in turn.
The rules in COMP9024/C/HowToMake/Makefile tell the 'make' tool how to construct the internal Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for a project.
The target and dependency files serve as nodes within the DAG, with the dependency relationships forming the edges of the DAG.
6 The rules in COMP9024/C/HowToMake/Makefile.V2
More precise than COMP9024/C/HowToMake/Makefile, but more complex.
The key point in COMP9024/C/HowToMake/Makefile.V2 is to use gcc to generate prerequisites automatically for us
and then include these dependencies into Makefile.V2.
HowToMake$ gcc -MM src/main.c
main.o: src/main.c src/myadd.h src/mysub.h src/main.h
HowToMake$ gcc -MM src/myadd.c
myadd.o: src/myadd.c src/myadd.h
HowToMake$ gcc -MM src/mysub.c
mysub.o: src/mysub.c src/mysub.h
For simplicity, we will reuse COMP9024/C/HowToMake/Makefile, rather than COMP9024/C/HowToMake/Makefile.V2, in other projects.
If you are interested in the details of Makefile.V2, please read the comments in the file.
HowToMake$ cat -n test.c
1 int lineNumber;
2 char *fileName;
3 #define THIS_YEAR 2024
4 int main(void) {
5 long year = THIS_YEAR;
6 lineNumber = __LINE__;
7 fileName = __FILE__;
8 return 0;
9 }
HowToMake$ gcc -E test.c -o test.i
HowToMake$ cat test.i
int lineNumber;
char *fileName;
int main(void) {
long year = 2024;
lineNumber = 6;
fileName = "test.c";
return 0;
HowToMake$ gcc -c -S test.i -o test.s
HowToMake$ cat test.s
.zero 4
.zero 8
pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
movq $2024, -8(%rbp)
movl $0, %eax
popq %rbp
HowToMake$ gcc -c test.s -o test.o
HowToMake$ readelf -h test.o
ELF Header:
Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Class: ELF64
HowToMake$ gcc test.o -o test
HowToMake$ ./test
HowToMake$ gcc test.c -o test
HowToMake$ ./test
(1) Generate Python bytecode (compiling)
(2) Interpret the bytecode (evaluating).
$ python3
>>> eval("9000 + 6 * 4")
>>> code = compile("a + b * 4", "", "eval")
>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(code)
1 0 LOAD_NAME 0 (a)
2 LOAD_NAME 1 (b)
4 LOAD_CONST 0 (4)
>>> eval(code, None, {"a":9000, "b":6})
>>> help(compile)
Help on built-in function compile in module builtins:
compile(source, filename, mode, flags=0, dont_inherit=False, optimize=-1, *, _feature_version=-1)
Compile source into a code object that can be executed by exec() or eval().
The source code may represent a Python module, statement or expression.
The filename will be used for run-time error messages.
The mode must be 'exec' to compile a module, 'single' to compile a
single (interactive) statement, or 'eval' to compile an expression.
The flags argument, if present, controls which future statements influence
the compilation of the code.
The dont_inherit argument, if true, stops the compilation inheriting
the effects of any future statements in effect in the code calling
compile; if absent or false these statements do influence the compilation,
in addition to any features explicitly specified.
>>> help(eval)
eval(source, globals=None, locals=None)
Evaluate the given source in the context of globals and locals.
The source may be a string representing a Python expression
or a code object as returned by compile().
BTW, X-Python is a Python bytecode interpreter written Python.
Bruce Eckel, the author of the book (Thinking in C++):
"If you memorize the operator precedence table (I never did), you can write clever code.
But if you have to think about it, it will confuse the reader/maintainer of that code.
So forget about precedence, and use parentheses when things aren’t clear."
Worse still, the operator precedence in Python differs slightly from that in C.
Bitwise AND has a higher precedence than identity tests (e.g., ==) in Python.
$ python3
>>> x = (2 & 4 == 0)
>>> x
>>> x = ((2 & 4) == 0)
>>> x
>>> 2 & 4
>>> 0 == 0
The identity/equality test == has a higher precedence than bitwise AND in C
// test2.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int x = (2 & 4 == 0);
printf("x = %d\n", x);
x = (2 & (4 == 0));
printf("x = %d\n", x);
return 0;
$ gcc test2.c -o test2
$ ./test2
x = 0
x = 0
$ python3
>>> import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
Simple is better than complex.
Readability counts.
9 If you are interested in system programming, you can start with MIT's xv6 when you are confident in C.
Reading xv6's code has changed my life.
I hope they can also inspire you.
By implementing a simple C-like compiler, our large assignment will pave the road for you to read MIT's xv6.
xv6 is inspired by John Lions's Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition (Peer
to Peer Communications; ISBN: 1-57398-013-7; 1st edition (June 14,
2000)). See also https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/, which
provides pointers to on-line resources for v6.
John Lions, Department of Computer Science, The University of New South Wales
Come to the mini museum at level 1, K17.
Lions' great book is on show.
Read The Source Code.
Linus Torvalds
The creator and lead developer of the Linux kernel