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We use Tock to track our time. You can read more about Tock in this blog post about its features and the handbook page for guidance and instructions.


Screenshot of Tock

If your team uses Tock and Slack, you might also find the "angrytock" reminder bot helpful.

Getting Started

  1. Install Docker. If you're on OS X, install Docker for Mac. If you're on Windows, install Docker for Windows.

  2. Move into the tock directory at the repository root:

$ cd tock

This is where the env.sample file is held.

  1. Run:
$ cp .env.sample .env
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose run app python migrate
$ docker-compose run app python loaddata test_data/data-update-deduped.json
  1. Once the above commands are successful, run:
docker-compose up

This will start up all required servers in containers and output their log information to stdout.

  1. Visit http://localhost:8000/ directly to access the site.

If you see this message in the console, you can disregard it:

app_1   | Starting development server at

It's still running at http://localhost:8000

You can access the admin panel at /admin.

Accessing the app container

You'll likely want to run to do other things at some point. To do this, it's probably easiest to run:

docker-compose run app bash

This will run an interactive bash session inside the main app container. In this container, the /tock directory is mapped to the tock directory of the repository on your host; you can run from there.

Note that if you don't have Django installed on your host system, you can just run python directly from outside the container--the script has been modified to run itself in a Docker container if it detects that Django isn't installed.

Making CSS changes

docker-compose up will also launch a Node machine that compiles the Sass files in tock/tock/static/sass into corresponding CSS files in tock/tock/static/css/dist. The generated CSS files are not checked into git, and should not be modified by hand.

You can also run the CSS build and watch scripts outside of the Docker container. Just install Node (e.g. with brew install node on OS X), then install the dependencies with:

npm install

Assuming that goes off without a hitch, you can then either build the CSS in one go with:

npm run build-css

or start the watch process, which builds new CSS whenever the source Sass files are changed:

npm run watch-css


Tock has an API! You may issue GET requests to various endpoints via the /api/ path with results returned as JSON objects. We use Django REST framework's TokenAuthentication library which requires all requests to include a token value in your request header using the following format (a cURL command line based request is used for this example for getting project data from our Tock deployment):

$ curl -H 'Authorization: Token randomalphanumericstringed854b18ba024327'

To obtain your own Tock API authorization token, please visit #tock-dev on Slack!

To access similar data in CSV format from within Tock, please visit the /reports page.


18F's current deployment of Tock relies on a route service called uaa-auth.