An implement of the ACM MM 22 paper: A Unified Framework against Topology and Class Imbalance.
- Python 3.9.15
- Mindspore 2.0.0 nightly
- CUDA 11.6
- Ubuntu 18.04
Before the whole process, the dataset cora/citeseer/pubmed would be downloaded to data\dataset_name\
and Convert their data types as mindrecord.
You would download the datast in: here
Then, through the scripts provided by mindspore, they can be converted to mindrecord format.
For example as Cora:
!git clone
SRC_PATH = "./cora"
MINDRECORD_PATH = "./cora_mindrecord"
!python models/utils/graph_to_mindrecord/ --mindrecord_script cora --mindrecord_file "$MINDRECORD_PATH/cora_mr" --mindrecord_partitions 1 --mindrecord_header_size_by_bit 18 --mindrecord_page_size_by_bit 20 --graph_api_args "$SRC_PATH"
in the end, The dataset should be organized into the following form:
│ ├─cora
│ │ ├─cora_mr
│ │ └─cora_mr.db
│ │
│ ├─citeseer
│ │ ├─citeseer_mr
│ │ └─citeseer_mr.db
│ │
│ └─pubmed
│ ├─pubmed_mr
│ └─pubmed_mr.db
When runing
for the default config, you would change the hyper-parameter by change
You can run python
to test the final performance of the selected CKPT file.