This is a sketch for an 8-channel motion capture system that is based around a Wemos D1 Mini ESP8622 board, in combination with one or multiple MPU9250 or MPU9255 inertial motion units. The IMUs are connected over a TCA9548 I2C multiplex board.
When the device cannot connect to a WiFi network, it will start an access point with the SSID "IMU-OSC" and the led will turn red. Connecting to the IMU-OSC network allows you to configure your local WIFI network name and password.
The data from the IMU sensors is streamed over the WiFi network using the Open Sound Control (OSC) format.
The sampling rate that can be achieved with one sensor is around 200 Hz, the sampling rate for 8 sensors is around 60 Hz.
The ESP8266 is connected to a TCA9548a I2C multiplexer as follows:
- SDA=D1=5
- SCL=D2=4
- RESET=D3=0
The multiplexer is in turn connected to eight MPU9250 sensors with the I2C connections:
Furthermore, the ESP8266 is connected (over some resistors) to a common cathode RGB LED as follows:
- LED_R=D5
- LED_G=D6
- LED_B=D7
Once connected to your local network, you can configure some settings (see below) by connecting with your browser to http://imu-osc.local or (for Windows) to the IP address of the device.
The following settings can be configured
- number of IMU sensors, the maxiumum is 8 (number)
- decimation factor (number, see below)
- calibration 0=off, 1=startup, 2=continuous
- whether raw accelerometer, gyro and magnetometer data are to be sent over OSC
- whether pitch, roll and yaw are to be sent over OSC
- whether quaternion values are to be sent over OSC
- whether temperature is to sent over OSC
- destimation IP address (
- destination port (number, the default for OSC is to listen on 8000)
The device has a RGB LED to indicate the status:
- yellow - initial configuration (should be short)
- red - failed to connect to WiFi network, access point started
- constant green - setting up all sensors (should be relatively short)
- blinking green - measuring and transmitting data
- blue - recent activity on the web interface (for 5 seconds)
The device will sample as fast as possible and send all data in UDP packets. The amount of network traffic can get very large and in my experience this can clog up your network. You can specify a decimation factor, which specifies that only every Nth measurement is to be transmitted.
Please note that you should not only write the firmware to the ESP8266 module, but also the static content for the web interface. The html, css and javascript files located in the data directory should be written to the SPIFS filesystem on the ESP8266. See for example and for instructions. You will get a "file not found" error if the firmware cannot access the data files.
The OSC message gets too large for an UDP packet with more than 6 sensorrs AND with the AHRS switched on. The consequence is that no data gets transmitted. So for 7 or 8 sensors you should keep AHRS switched off.
You can find the conceptual design and some photos on my home page.
The IMU and AHRS code is mostly based on, but uses the modified version from (which wraps it in an object), to which I made further modifications in (which implements continuous calibration).
The interface for the wifi configuration is based on
The OSCulator software is convenient for debugging.
This motion capture device was designed for the EEGsynth.