- Azure Active Directory PowerShell for Graph
This script is designed to display all of the members of the Azure AD Administrator Roles. You can filter by three different parameters. Either "-All" displaying all members from all Administrator Roles, "-UserPrincipalName" to find out which Roles a specific user is member of, or, "-RoleName" to display the members of a specific role group.
Requirements: Please install the Azure AD PowerShell Module, follow the instructions at the following link: https://aka.ms/AAau56t
Get a list of all the members of all the Administrator Roles in Azure AD
.\Get-AADAdminRoleMembers.ps1 -Admin [email protected] -All
Get a list of all the roles a user is member of
.\Get-AADAdminRoleMembers.ps1 -Admin [email protected] -UserPrincipalName [email protected]
Display the members for a particular Adminitrator Role
.\Get-AADAdminRoleMembers.ps1 -Admin [email protected] -RoleName "Power BI Service Administrators"
- Azure Active Directory
Author | Original Publish Date |
Brian Baldock | 2020-01-14 |
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