You need to have the ansible package installed (available by brew for Mac and by apt-get for Ubuntu). Then, simply run
vagrant up
from this directory or its parent.
If you get any messages of the machine already having been provisioned, do:
vagrant provision
Now you should be able to visit Open Bazaar at:
If you get connection errors, edit your ~/.ssh/config to have this line:
# for vagrant provisioning
StrictHostKeyChecking no
Write a host name in every line of the file hosts.conf for every host you want to install Open Bazaar on. You need a user with sudo access. You can either modify the vars section in openbazaar_linux.yml to change them with your preferred values or specify them at the command line as extra-vars (command line vars will override the vars in the yml file) Example:
ansible-playbook openbazaar_linux.yml -i hosts.conf -u ssh_user --private-key=~/path/to/private/key -vvvv --extra-vars "do_system_update=False port=22222"