In your
, updatei18n
to your locale preferencereturn await requestHandler( request, { env, context, storefront: { ... storefrontApiVersion: '2022-10', i18n: { language: 'EN', country: 'CA', }, }, }, { session, }, );
should follow LanguageCode enumcountry
should follow CountryCode enum
Make sure your
are updated according to your locale preference as well.export default function App() { return ( <html lang="EN"> ... </html> ); } export function CatchBoundary() { return ( <html lang="EN"> ... </html> ); } export ErrorBoundary({error}: {error: Error}) { return ( <html lang="EN"> ... </html> ); }
Create a utilities function that will return an object with a partial shape of following:
import { CountryCode, LanguageCode, } from '@shopify/hydrogen/storefront-api-types'; export type Locale = { language: LanguageCode, country: CountryCode, };
Example utilities function:
export function getLocaleFromRequest(request: Request): Locale { const url = new URL(request.url); switch (url.host) { case 'ca.hydrogen.shop': return { language: 'EN', country: 'CA', }; break; case 'hydrogen.au': return { language: 'EN', country: 'AU', }; break; default: return { language: 'EN', country: 'US', }; } }
In your
, updatei18n
to the result of the utilities functionreturn await requestHandler( request, { env, context, storefront: { ... storefrontApiVersion: '2022-10', i18n: getLocaleFromRequest(request), }, }, { session, }, );
Update your graphql queries with
directivesFor example:
const FEATURED_QUERY = `#graphql query homepage { collections(first: 3, sortKey: UPDATED_AT) { nodes { id title handle image { altText width height url } } } } `;
Add the
const FEATURED_COLLECTIONS_QUERY = `#graphql query homepage($country: CountryCode, $language: LanguageCode) @inContext(country: $country, language: $language) { collections(first: 3, sortKey: UPDATED_AT) { nodes { id title handle image { altText width height url } } } } `;
Then you can make the query with
in the data loaderexport async function loader({ context: {storefront}, }: LoaderArgs) { return json({ featureCollections: await storefront.query<{ collections: CollectionConnection; }>(FEATURED_COLLECTIONS_QUERY), }); }
Notice that we didn't need to provide query variables for
? This is becausestorefront.query
function will inject these values for you base on what's defined in thei18n
.For example, if a request came from
, countryAU
and languageEN
will be used as defined in the example utilities function above.However, if you need to override it, you just need to supply the query variables
export async function loader({ context: {storefront}, }: LoaderArgs) { return json({ featureCollection: await storefront.query<{ collections: CollectionConnection; }>(FEATURED_COLLECTIONS_QUERY, { variables: { country: 'CA', // Always query back in CA currency language: 'FR', // Always query back in FR language } }), }); }
Let's say we want to add language localization as an url path. We want to have urls to look like the following:
URL | fr-ca |
ca.hydrogen.shop |
ca.hydrogen.shop/fr |
ca.hydrogen.shop/products/abc |
ca.hydrogen.shop/fr/products/abc |
Update the utilities function to handle the new url path
export function getLocaleFromRequest(request: Request): Locale { const url = new URL(request.url); switch (url.host) { case 'ca.hydrogen.shop': if (/^\/fr($|\/)/.test(url.pathname)) { return { language: 'FR', country: 'CA', }; } else { return { language: 'EN', country: 'CA', }; } break; case 'hydrogen.au': return { language: 'EN', country: 'AU', }; break; default: return { language: 'EN', country: 'US', }; } }
Using Remix's splat routes, we are going to generate
files (Note: This is temporary workaround for now)All route files under
are just re-exports of the main routes file. For now, we can updateremix.config.js
to auto generate these files on build. Feel free to.gitignore
files generated under$lang
folder and re-rundev
whenever a file or module export is added or removed.const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const esbuild = require('esbuild'); const recursive = require('recursive-readdir'); module.exports = { ignoredRouteFiles: ['**/.*'], async routes() { const appDir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'app'); const routesDir = path.resolve(appDir, 'routes'); const langDir = path.resolve(routesDir, '$lang'); const files = await recursive(routesDir, [ (file) => { return file.replace(/\\/g, '/').match(/routes\/\$lang\//); }, ]); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(`Duplicating ${files.length} route(s) for translations`); for (let file of files) { let bundle = await esbuild.build({ entryPoints: {entry: file}, bundle: false, metafile: true, write: false, }); const moduleExports = bundle.metafile.outputs['entry.js'].exports; const moduleId = '~/' + path .relative(appDir, file) .replace(/\\/g, '/') .slice(0, -path.extname(file).length); const outFile = path.resolve(langDir, path.relative(routesDir, file)); fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(outFile), {recursive: true}); fs.writeFileSync( outFile, `export {${moduleExports.join(', ')}} from ${JSON.stringify( moduleId, )};\n`, ); } return {}; }, };
Make sure to add a
files under/routes
folder. This splat route will handle all the non-matching splat routes. It should contain the following:export async function loader() { throw new Response('Not found', {status: 404}); } export default function Component() { return null; }
In the
, handle invalid url path localizationsexport async function loader({ request, params, context: {storefront}, }: LoaderArgs) { const {language} = storefront.i18n; if ( params.lang && params.lang.toLowerCase() !== language.toLowerCase() ) { // If the lang URL param is defined, and it didn't match a valid localization, // then the lang param must be invalid, send to the 404 page throw new Response('Not found', {status: 404}); } ... }
Create an utility function that will add the path prefix to url path
export function usePrefixPathWithLocale(path: string) { const [root] = useMatches(); const selectedLocale = root.data.selectedLocale; return selectedLocale ? `${selectedLocale.pathPrefix}${ path.startsWith('/') ? path : '/' + path }` : path; }
Use this utility function anywhere where you need to define a localized path. For example, form actions should be localize path as well.
Create a
<Link />
wrapper component that will add the path prefix and make sure your project is using thisLink
component for all inbound navigation.import { Link as RemixLink, NavLink as RemixNavLink, useMatches, } from '@remix-run/react'; import {usePrefixPathWithLocale} from '~/lib/utils'; export function Link(props) { const {to, className, ...resOfProps} = props; const [root] = useMatches(); const selectedLocale = root.data.selectedLocale; let toWithLocale = to; if (typeof to === 'string') { toWithLocale = selectedLocale ? `${selectedLocale.pathPrefix}${to}` : to; } if (typeof className === 'function') { return ( <RemixNavLink to={toWithLocale} className={className} {...resOfProps} /> ); } return ( <RemixLink to={toWithLocale} className={className} {...resOfProps} /> ); }
You can do all of these detection inside the utility function that we created.
However, you would implement this localization detection only for better buyer experience. This localization detection should never be the only way to change localization.
- Page caching will ignore cookies and most headers and search params
- SEO bots tends to origin from the US and would not change their
header or set any cookie
export function getLocaleFromRequest(request: Request): Locale {
const url = new URL(request.url);
const acceptLang = request.headers.get('accept-language');
// do something with acceptLang
const cookies = request.headers.get('cookie');
// extract the cookie that contains user lang preference and do something with it
switch (url.host) {
case 'ca.hydrogen.shop':
if (/^\/fr($|\/)/.test(url.pathname)) {
return {
language: 'FR',
country: 'CA',
} else {
return {
language: 'EN',
country: 'CA',
case 'hydrogen.au':
return {
language: 'EN',
country: 'AU',
return {
language: 'EN',
country: 'US',
Provide a list of available countries. This file should be just a static json instead of a result from an api query. This available countries list will most likely need to be rendered at every page. For performance and SEO reasons, it is recommended that it is just a static json variable. Optionally, you can create a build script that generates this file on build.
export const countries = { default: { language: 'EN', country: 'US', label: 'United States (USD $)', host: 'hydrogen.shop', }, 'en-ca': { language: 'EN', country: 'CA', label: 'Canada (CAD $)', host: 'ca.hydrogen.shop', }, 'fr-ca': { language: 'EN', country: 'CA', label: 'Canada (Français) (CAD $)', host: 'ca.hydrogen.shop', pathPrefix: '/fr', }, 'en-au': { language: 'EN', country: 'AU', label: 'Australia (AUD $)', host: 'hydrogen.au', }, };
You are feel to add any keys that would help you generate the country selector easier. Make sure to update your utility function with the countries json
import {countries} from '~/data/countries'; export function getLocaleFromRequest(request: Request): Locale { const url = new URL(request.url); switch (url.host) { case 'ca.hydrogen.shop': if (/^\/fr($|\/)/.test(url.pathname)) { return countries['fr-ca']; } else { return countries['en-ca']; } break; case 'hydrogen.au': return countries['en-au']; break; default: return countries['default']; } }
Supply the selected locale in the
loader functionimport {countries} from '~/data/countries'; export const loader: LoaderFunction = async function loader() { ... return defer({ ..., selectedLocale: await getLocaleFromRequest(request), }); };
Create an api endpoint for the available countries
// routes/api/countries import {json} from '@remix-run/server-runtime'; import {CacheLong, generateCacheControlHeader} from '@shopify/hydrogen'; import {countries} from '~/data/countries'; export async function loader() { return json( { ...countries, }, { headers: { 'cache-control': generateCacheControlHeader(CacheLong()), }, }, ); } // no-op export default function CountriesApiRoute() { return null; }
Render the available countries as forms
import {Form, useMatches, useLocation} from '@remix-run/react'; ... export function CountrySelector() { const [root] = useMatches(); const selectedLocale = root.data.selectedLocale; const {pathname, search} = useLocation(); const [countries, setCountries] = useState({}); // Get available countries list const fetcher = useFetcher(); useEffect(() => { if (!fetcher.data) { fetcher.load('/api/countries'); return; } setCountries(fetcher.data); }, [countries, fetcher.data]); const strippedPathname = pathname.replace(selectedLocale.pathPrefix, ''); return ( <details> <summary> {selectedLocale.label} </summary> <div className="overflow-auto border-t py-2 bg-contrast w-full max-h-36"> {countries && Object.keys(countries).map((countryKey) => { const locale = countries[countryKey]; const hreflang = `${locale.language}-${locale.country}`; return ( <Form method="post" action="/locale" key={hreflang}> <input type="hidden" name="language" value={locale.language} /> <input type="hidden" name="country" value={locale.country} /> <input type="hidden" name="path" value={`${strippedPathname}${search}`} /> <Button type="submit" variant="primary" > {locale.label} </Button> </Form> ); })} </div> </details> ); }
Create the
route that will handle locale changeimport { CountryCode, LanguageCode, } from '@shopify/hydrogen/storefront-api-types'; import {redirect, type AppLoadContext, type ActionFunction} from '@shopify/remix-oxygen'; import invariant from 'tiny-invariant'; import {updateCartBuyerIdentity} from '~/data'; import {countries} from '~/data/countries'; export const action: ActionFunction = async ({request, context}) => { const {session} = context; const formData = await request.formData(); // Make sure the form request is valid const languageCode = formData.get('language') as LanguageCode; invariant(languageCode, 'Missing language'); const countryCode = formData.get('country') as CountryCode; invariant(countryCode, 'Missing country'); // determine where to redirect to relative to where user navigated from // ie. hydrogen.shop/collections -> ca.hydrogen.shop/collections const path = formData.get('path'); const toLocale = countries[`${languageCode}-${countryCode}`.toLowerCase()]; const cartId = await session.get('cartId'); // Update cart buyer's country code if we have a cart id if (cartId) { await updateCartBuyerIdentity(context, { cartId, buyerIdentity: { countryCode, }, }); } return redirect(`https://${toLocale.host}${toLocale.pathPrefix || ''}${path}`, 302); }; function updateCartBuyerIdentity( {storefront}: AppLoadContext, { cartId, buyerIdentity, }: { cartId: string; buyerIdentity: CartBuyerIdentityInput; }, ) { const data = await storefront.mutate<{ cartBuyerIdentityUpdate: {cart: Cart}; }>(UPDATE_CART_BUYER_COUNTRY, { variables: { cartId, buyerIdentity, }, }); invariant(data, 'No data returned from Shopify API'); return data.cartBuyerIdentityUpdate.cart; } const UPDATE_CART_BUYER_COUNTRY = `#graphql mutation CartBuyerIdentityUpdate( $cartId: ID! $buyerIdentity: CartBuyerIdentityInput! $country: CountryCode = ZZ ) @inContext(country: $country) { cartBuyerIdentityUpdate(cartId: $cartId, buyerIdentity: $buyerIdentity) { cart { id } } } `;
Make sure to provide a
to the components that will change due to localization. Especially for url path localization schemes.Sometimes, React won't know when to re-render a component. This means that, you could be changing the locale and you will see the correct currency data being returned, but React didn't re-render and old currency is still being displayed.
The easy way to avoid this problem is to put localization as key in the
.export default function App() { const data = useLoaderData<typeof loader>(); const locale = data.selectedLocale; return ( <html lang={locale.language}> <head> <Seo /> <Meta /> <Links /> </head> <body> <Layout layout={data.layout as LayoutData} key={`${locale.language}-${locale.country}`} . // key by hreflang > <Outlet /> </Layout> <Debugger /> <ScrollRestoration /> <Scripts /> </body> </html> ); }
However, you may see a page jump when changing locale.
The other way is to key by individual components. As you can see, this gets messy very quickly.
Reference: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/understanding-reacts-key-prop