Splits COCO annotations file into train sets
pip install -r requirements
$ python cocosplit.py -h
usage: StratifiedGroupKFold.py [-h] [--anns ANNS] [--train TRAIN] [--valid VALID] [--seed SEED]
[--k K]
Splits COCO annotations file into train sets.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--anns ANNS Path to COCO annotations file.(*.json)
--train TRAIN Where to store COCO training annotations
--valid VALID Where to store COCO test annotations
--seed SEED Random seed
--k K K times split
$ python StratifiedGroupKFold.py [--anns ANNS] [--train TRAIN] [--valid VALID] [--seed SEED]
--anns = './train.json'
--train = 'train_split'
--valid = 'valid_split'
--seed = 1995
--k = 5