Universal Cura Settings. 12 types of adjustment to define recommended settings for your current Cura configuration.
- standard
- bed adhesion
- warping
- top surface
- extra quality
- mechanical
- small part
- figurine
- prototype
- support
- vase
- save material
Standard (general recommended settings)
Bed adhesion (first layer settings for a better bed adhesion)
Warping (increase the first layer adhesoin and avoid nozzle collision with Z hop settings )
Top surface (increase the quality on top surface by using mainly Ironing options)
Extra Quality (increase the quality of the print skin)
Small part (use of a raft adhesion solution to get a better bed adhesion)
Mechanical (dimensionally accurate, stiff and durable)
Figurine (fine details and good cooling)
Prototype (fast and rought result)
Support (easy support remove)
Vase (spiralize outer contour)
Save material (use the minimum material)
Small details (to print small details)
Select the type of settings you want to apply to your current Cura configuration
Extruder type : Bowden or direct drive
The Nozzle Size : 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
The Material : PLA, ABS, PETG, TPU
The type of Intent :
Press the Button APPLY to modify your current configuration according to your choice. A message wil be display at the end of the modification with the number of modified parameters.
Initial settings comes from some profiles released by Jonas Idebrant aka printingotb on the Cura Facebook Group. The main idea was to publish an Universal Cura Settings profile based on his own printing experience. I had for a long time the idea to create a plugin which was able to set some standard parameters instead of always use profiles. When we merge the two ideas you got this UniversalCuraSettings plugin.
Note : It's still a "Concept" use it carrefuly.