Your Cakefile defines your dependencies, and some other properties of your generated project.
You need the import
import Cakefile
dependencies = [
.github("mxcl/Path.swift" ~> 0.9),
.git("" == 2.4)
If you need more specific version specifications, this is possible:
let branch = "fix-remote-target-dependency"
var xcodeproj = GitHubPackageSpecification(user: "mxcl", repo: "xcodeproj", constraint: .ref(.branch(branch)))
let foo = PackageSpecification(url: "", constraint: .ref(.branch("foo")))
We provide some options that change the project generation properties:
options.baseModuleName = "Bakeware"
The baseModuleName
is the name of the root module in your model.
options.suppressDependencyWarnings = true
This will suppress all warnings in your dependencies, it defaults to true
since you have no easy control over them.