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A TCP-capable MQTT client for React Native. The module provides a Typescript API for native MQTT clients on iOS and Android.

The module provides both promise- and callback-based methods to interact with the native clients.


npm install quito

To make an unencrypted connection to an MQTT broker, make sure a consuming android application allows cleartext traffic, either generally by setting the android:usesCleartextTraffic flag in the application field of the AndroidManifest.xml, or by adding a security configuration.


The module provides promise- and callback-based methods to interact with the native clients.

Callback-based usage

import { Quito, QuitoOptionsBuilder } from 'quito';

// build a config using the QuitoOptionsBuilder
const config = new QuitoOptionsBuilder()

const MqttClient = new Quito(config);

MqttClient.init() // call init() to create native client and set up native event listeners
  .then(() => {
    // Subscribing to event callbacks
    MqttClient.on(QuitoEvent.CONNECTING, () => {
      // called when client is connecting
    MqttClient.on(QuitoEvent.CONNECTED, () => {
      // called when client is connected
    MqttClient.on(QuitoEvent.SUBSCRIBED, (topic: string) => {
      // called when client has subscribed to a topic
    MqttClient.on(QuitoEvent.UNSUBSCRIBED, (topic: string) => {
      // called when client has unsubscribed from a topic
      (topic: string, payload: Uint8Array) => {
        // called when client has received a message
      (topic: string, payload: Uint8Array) => {
        // called when client has sent a message
    MqttClient.on(QuitoEvent.DISCONNECTED, () => {
      // called when client has disconnected
    MqttClient.on(QuitoEvent.CONNECTION_LOST, (error?: Error) => {
      // called when client has unexpectedly lost its connection to the broker
    MqttClient.on(QuitoEvent.EXCEPTION, (error: Error) => {
      // called when client encountered an error
    MqttClient.on(QuitoEvent.CLOSED, (error?: Error) => {
      // called when client was closed

    // connecting to the MQTT broker

    // subscribing to a message topic
    // both a single topic or an array of topics are supported
        topic: 'first/topic',
        qos: 2, // Quality of Service
        topic: 'second/topic',
        qos: 1,

    // unsubscribing from a message topic
    // both a single topic string or an array of topic strings are supported

    // publishing a message
      Buffer.from('This is a test message!'),
      0, // Quality of service
      false // whether the message should be retained

    // checking client connection
    MqttClient.isConnected().then((isConnected: Boolean) => {
      // process connection state

    // shutting down client

Promise-based usage

import { Quito, QuitoOptionsBuilder } from 'quito';

// build a config using the QuitoOptionsBuilder
const config = new QuitoOptionsBuilder()

const MqttClient = new Quito(config);

await MqttClient.init(); // call init() to create native client and set up native event listeners

// Most message callbacks are redundant
// when using the Promise-based API
  (topic: string, payload: Uint8Array) => {
    // called when client has received a message
MqttClient.on(QuitoEvent.CONNECTION_LOST, (error?: Error) => {
  // called when client has unexpectedly lost its connection to the broker
MqttClient.on(QuitoEvent.EXCEPTION, (error: Error) => {
  // called when client encountered an error

// connecting to the MQTT broker
try {
  await MqttClient.connectAsync();
} catch (e: any) {
  // handle error

// subscribing to a message topic
// both a single topic or an array of topics are supported
try {
  await MqttClient.subscribeAsync([
      topic: 'first/topic',
      qos: 2, // Quality of Service
      topic: 'second/topic',
      qos: 1,
} catch (e: any) {
  // handle error

// unsubscribing from a message topic
// both a single topic string or an array of topic strings are supported
try {
  await MqttClient.unsubscribeAsync('first/topic');
} catch (e: any) {
  // handle error

// publishing a message
try {
  await MqttClient.publishAsync(
    Buffer.from('This is a test message!'),
    0, // Quality of service
    false // whether the message should be retained
} catch (e: any) {
  // handle error

// checking client connection
const isConnected = await MqttClient.isConnected();

// shutting down client
try {
  await MqttClient.endAsync();
} catch (e: any) {
  // handle error

Quito Options

Use the QuitoOptionsBuilder to generate a config for the Quito MQTT client. The following options for configuring the Quito MQTT client are available:

  • clientId: string - Identifier used in the communication with the MQTT bromker
  • username: string - Username used to authenticate the client against the broker
  • password: string - Password used to authenticate the client against the broker
  • keepaliveSec: number - Maximum time interval in seconds between control packets
  • connectTimeoutMs: number - Maximum time interval the client will wait for the network connection to the MQTT broker to be established
  • will: Will - MQTT message that the broker will send, should the client connect ungracefully.
    • topic: string - Topic the will will be published to
    • payload: string - Message of the will Base64-encoded
    • qos: QoS - quality of service of the will
    • retain: boolean - Indicates whether the will should be retained
  • tls: boolean - Whether the client will secure the connection to the broker using TLS. If true, at least the broker's CA certificate caBase64 is required. If the broker expects the client to present a certificate as well, the shared caBase64 plus certificateBase64, keyStoreKey, and keyStorePassword options become mandatory
  • caBase64: String - Base64-encoded CA certificate (DER) used by the MQTT broker
  • certificateBase64: String - Base64-encoded self-signed certificate (DER) of the client
  • privateKeyBase64: string - Base64-encoded RSA private key of the client
  • keyStorePassword: string - Password used in creating the client's keystore
  • cleanSession: boolean - When set to true, the broker will open a non-persistent connection, during which it will not store any subscription information or undelivered messages for the client
  • protocol: Protocol - Identifies the protocol used in the connection to the broker
  • protocolVersion: number - Identies the MQTT version used in the connection to the broker
  • reconnectPeriod: number - Time interval to elapse before a client will attempt to reconnect an unexpectedly disconnected client
  • host: string - Host name of the MQTT broker to connect to
  • port: number - Port number of the MQTT broker to connect to

The QuitoOptionsBuilder provides a number of convenience methods for configurating:

const config = new QuitoOptionsBuilder()
  // uri(uri: string)
  // parses uri and sets host, port,
  // protocol, and tls (if applicable)
  .ca(/* takes a Buffer of the DER-encoded CA */)
  // clientCertificate(certificateDer: Buffer, keyRsaDer: Buffer, keyStorePassword: string)
  // sets all necessary options for self-signed client authentication
  .clientCertificate(cert, key, pass)