This sheet is designed for use with the Burning Wheel system written by Luke Crane and produced with permission for use on Roll20. Much of the Character Burner process has been enhanced with auto calculating values and many of the final results translate to the rest of the sheet. Hovering over most of the Stats & Skills will reveal with underlying Roll20 Attribute names. Roll by clicking on the white D6 next to Stats/Skills/Attributes names in order to make use of the roll template. In the roll query you'll be asked for a Modifier which represents dice that affect the comparison to Obs, Artha (such as Persona or Deeds dice) that add to the roll but don't compare to the Obs, and the base Obs. Wound dice and Obs penalties from wounds are automatically calculated from the Combat tab into rolls that are affected by wound penatlies. The checkbox to the right of an exponent mark the roll as Open Ended and will cause the text in the roll template to turn gold. Enjoy!
2.0 [Screenshot](Burning Wheel.png)
Update designed by Jordan W. (806426) and coded by Natha (75857).
- Traits are 3 rows above each other instead of 3 columns next to each other, utilize the full width. Trait text can be expanded.
- Skills section utilizes the full width and now adds to the left and bottom.
- Relationships, Circles, and Enemy Circles are 3 rows and utilize the full width to display text. Text can be expanded.
- Relationships have a dropdown menu to choose whether the relationship is minor, important, or powerful
- Relationships have checkboxes to mark relationship modifiers: immediate family, other family, forbidden, hateful, romantic. Immediate family and other family are mutually exclusive.
- Circles and Enemy Circles are now repeating sections, with a Relationship Aptitude value.
- Expanded Artha section takes up the entire width of the sheet, between the Attributes and Skills sections. Spending and Earning help completed.
- Practice Log is now a repeating section, utilizes the full width, has two dropdown lists (Category and Difficulty). Practice time and Cycle fills automatically. A text field allows to record the amount of time practiced so far.
- Being Learned section section utilizes the full width and now adds to the left and bottom.
- Resources and Forte taxes can be tracked and are accounted in rolls.
- Armor and Clumsy Weight Penalties are moved between Injury and Recovery and Weapons. The new expanded Armor section on the left, and the expanded clumsy weight section on the right.
- New Training Skills repeating section with a checkbox next to each to mark if you have the skill
- Larger expanded Missile section
- WS column in Weapons changed from a text field to a dropdown list (1, 2, 3, 4, and X).
- Add column in Weapons changed from a text field to a dropdown (1 or 2).
- New "Sustained Spells" input reducing Will rolls, plus new repeating section to note sustained spells
- Wound penalty dice directly reduce Reflexes
- New Stock list to filter age dropdown lists.
- Marking a Stat as Gray shade removes 5 pts from the relative pool. White removes 10.
- Training sills : new Shade and special mark columns (Training Skill, Dwarven Magical Skill, Elven Spell or Skill Song, Wolf Song). Skill pool calculation takes shade and
- New "Tough" (trait) checkbox to round up when factoring Mortal Wound
- Roll with Resources 0 is now possible
Sheet created by Steve K.(5047).