title |
10. Reference Test |
This test checks if references functionality, implemented in the Reference Contributor section of the Custom Language Support Tutorial, works as expected.
This test reuses the Simple Language properties file DefaultTestData.simple
Create the test file ReferenceTestData.java
in the testData
This file has one Simple Language prefix and key, with the caret placed after the key.
{% include /code_samples/simple_language_plugin/src/test/testData/ReferenceTestData.java %}
Add the testReference()
method to the SimpleCodeInsightTest
class previously defined.
This test is configured by the test files.
The fixture gets the PsiElement
at the caret, then compares its value with the known value of that key.
public void testReference() {
myFixture.configureByFiles("ReferenceTestData.java", "DefaultTestData.simple");
PsiElement element = myFixture.getFile().findElementAt(myFixture.getCaretOffset()).getParent();
assertEquals("https://en.wikipedia.org/", ((SimpleProperty) element.getReferences()[0].resolve()).getValue());
Run the test and make sure it's green.