English | 简体中文 | Portuguese-BR
Openglobus 是一个用于展示带有地图瓦片、影像、矢量数据、标注、三维物体的交互式三维地图(地球)的 JavaScript 库。它基于 WebGL 技术,开源且免费。
npm install @openglobus/og
# 或者
yarn add @openglobus/og
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/@openglogus/og.css">
<script src="../lib/@openglogus/og.umd.js"></script>
<div id="globus"></div>
const osm = new og.layer.XYZ("OpenStreetMap", {
isBaseLayer: true,
url: "//{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
visibility: true,
const globus = new og.Globe({
target: "globus", // a HTMLDivElement which its id is `globus`
name: "Earth",
terrain: new og.terrain.GlobusTerrain(),
layers: [osm],
autoActivate: true,
fontsSrc: "../res/fonts", // Fonts folder
resourcesSrc: "../res", // Night and water mask textures folder
viewExtent: [5.56707, 45.15679, 5.88834, 45.22260]
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/@openglobus/og.css">
<div id="globus"></div>
<script type="module">
import {XYZ, Globe, GlobusTerrain} from '../lib/@openglobus/og.esm.js';
const osm = new XYZ("OpenStreetMap", {
isBaseLayer: true,
url: "//{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
visibility: true,
const globus = new Globe({
target: "globus", // a HTMLDivElement which its id is `globus`
name: "Earth",
terrain: new GlobusTerrain(),
layers: [osm],
autoActivate: true,
fontsSrc: "../res/fonts", // Fonts folder
resourcesSrc: "../res", // Night and water mask textures folder
viewExtent: [5.56707, 45.15679, 5.88834, 45.22260]
UNDER CONSTRUCTION Here is a Wiki, also check out the hosted examples, and the API documentation.
- 将官方仓库 Clone 到本机
- 使用
npm install
# 或
npm run build
随后会在 lib/@openglobus/
目录下生成下列 5 个文件:
- og.umd.js
- og.umd.js.map
- og.esm.js
- og.esm.js.map
- og.css
- ./res/...
First, it starts by watching sources and building into ./lib folder esm module:
npm run dev
Second, runs local server, then you can browse
npm run serve
Third, try an example from the sandbox:
npm run docs
- 本地构建 API 帮助文档至 /api
npm run serve
- 运行本地 Web 服务器以便开发以及查看示例代码
npm run lint
- run code linter
npm run test
- run tests
- run typescript parser
- 帮助我们测试新的或现有的功能,并提交 bug
- 帮助我们在谷歌 openglobus 社区回答问题以及在 Gitter 上交流
- 为 GitHub 上的仓库打个 ⭐
- 在社交媒体上传播 openglobus,推特:点我
- 成为一名贡献者