The method achieves ECCV 2020 3DPW Challenge Runner Up. Please refer to arxiv paper for the details!
Directly download the full-packed released package from github, latest version v0.0.
Clone the repo:
git clone --depth 1
Then download the CenterHMR data from Google drive or Baidu Drive with password 6hye
Unzip the downloaded under the root CenterHMR/. The layout would be
- demo
- models
- src
- trained_models
Please intall the Pytorch 1.6 from the official webset. We have tested the code on Ubuntu and Centos using Pytorch 1.6 only.
Install packages:
cd CenterHMR/src
sh scripts/
Please refer to the for unpleasant bugs. Feel free to submit the issues for related bugs.
Currently, the released code is used to re-implement demo results. Only 1-2G GPU memery is needed.
To do this you just need to run
cd CenterHMR/src
Results will be saved in CenterHMR/demo/images_results.
You can also run the code on random internet images via putting the images under CenterHMR/demo/images before running sh
Or please refer to for detail configurations.
Please refer to for saving the estimated mesh/Center maps.
The code will be gradually open sourced according to:
- the schedule
- demo code for internet images or videos
- evaluation code for re-implementation the results on 3DPW Challenge (really close)
- runtime optimization
Please considering citing
title = {CenterHMR: a Bottom-up Single-shot Method for Multi-person 3D Mesh Recovery from a Single Image},
author = {Yu, Sun and Qian, Bao and Wu, Liu and Yili, Fu and Tao, Mei},
booktitle = {arxiv:2008.12272},
month = {August},
year = {2020}
We thank Peng Cheng for his constructive comments on Center map training.
Here are some great resources we benefit:
- SMPL models and layer is from SMPL-X model.
- Some functions are borrowed from HMR-pytorch.
- Some functions for data augmentation are borrowed from SPIN.
- Synthetic occlusion is borrowed from synthetic-occlusion
- The evaluation code of 3DPW dataset is brought from 3dpw-eval.
- For fair comparison, the GT annotations of 3DPW dataset are brought fromVIBE