Is this for Autofac 5? Read the release notes! We are working on updating integration libraries but they're not all done. Please don't file issues about integration library incompatibility until you get the updated version which may not yet be published! If you really need it faster, a PR directly to the integration library will speed it up! (When the integration library is posted, file additional issues in that repo. THIS IS FOR CORE AUTOFAC ONLY.)
Try StackOverflow! If you have a usage question ("How do I...?" "Others have this working but I can't get it...") please try StackOverflow and tag your question autofac
. We, along with a great community, monitor those questions.
Have you read the docs?
This repo is for core Autofac only. If you are encountering issues with an integration package (MVC, Web API, etc.) please file it in the appropriate repo. Thanks!
When filing an issue, please include:
- Assembly version information for all project dependencies (packages.config, project.json)
- The stack trace and message of any exception(s) encountered.
- If possible, a reproduction of the issue (ideally in a unit test form).