Web based implementation of A Game Of Thrones LCG 2nd Edition
This is the respository for the code internally known as throneteki which is running on theironthrone.net allowing people to play AGoT 2nd edition online using only their browser
Glad you noticed! Yes, jinteki was a huge inspiration for this project, as the interface is clean and user friendly, so I've tried to make this similar in a lot of ways
Sure! The code is written in node.js(server) and react.js(client). Feel free to make suggestions, implement new cards, refactor bits of the code that are a bit clunky(there's a few of those atm), raise pull requests or submit bug reports
If you are going to contribute code, try and follow the style of the existing code as much as possible and talk to me before engaging in any big refactors. Also bear in mind there is an .eslintrc file in the project so try to follow those rules.
Documentation for implementing cards
The biggest help at the moment would be in terms of CSS, as that's a bit of a weakness of mine, feel free to pick up any of the issues tagged 'CSS' in the issue list.
If you're not coding inclined, then just playing games on the site, and reporting bugs and issues that you find is a big help
That's not a question, but that still sucks, sorry :( First, bear in mind the site is in its infancy so a lot of things aren't implemented yet, but you should be able to do most things with a bit of manual input. If there's anything you can't do that you need to be able to do, let me know by raising an issue.
See this document for features I have planned and a link to the currently implemented cards: http://bit.ly/throneteki
Check out the About page of a Throneteki live deployment.
The game uses mongodb as storage so you'll need that installed and running
Clone the repository
Run npm install
mkdir server/logs
cd server
node fetchdata.js
cd ..
node .
You'll also need a file called server/config.js that should look like this:
var config = {
secret: 'somethingverysecret'
module.exports = config;
This will get you up and running in development mode, using the webpack dev server and hotloading.
For production:
NODE_ENV=production ./node_nodules/.bin/webpack -p --config webpack.config.production.js
NODE_ENV=production PORT=4000 node .
All JavaScript code included in Throneteki should pass (no errors, no warnings)
linting by ESLint, according to the rules defined in
at the root of this repo. To manually check that that is indeed the
case install ESLint and run
eslint client/ server/ test/
from repository's root.
All tests should also pass. To run these manually do:
npm test
If you are making any game engine changes, these will not be accepted without unit tests to cover them.