- Fork this repository
- Customise source/vars.rst
- Customise source/data/deployment.yml
Prepare your build environment:
Please note that Sphinx requires now python version 3.7+. Details: sphinx-contrib/autoprogram#48. Default python version in CentOS 8 is 3.6. So either you use differnet distro, or install python 3.7+ manually.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then use one of the following build commands:
make html
make singlehtml
Run make
to see all possible builds.
PDF builds will require extra packages to be installed. For CentOS 8:
sudo dnf install -y epel-release
sudo dnf install -y latexmk make texlive texlive-capt-of texlive-fncychap \
texlive-framed texlive-needspace texlive-tabulary texlive-titlesec \
texlive-upquote texlive-wrapfig
make latexpdf