Example code and data for "Practical Data Science with R" by Nina Zumel and John Mount, Manning 2014.
- The book: "Practical Data Science with R" by Nina Zumel and John Mount, Manning 2014 (book copyright Manning Publications Co., all rights reserved)
- The support site: GitHub WinVector/zmPDSwR
- Chapter 2: Loading data into R
- Chapter 7: Using Linear and Logistic Regression
- Chapter 9: Exploring Advanced Methods
- Appendix A: Working with R And Other Tools
Original link: http://www.census.gov/acs/www/data_documentation/pums_data/
File in this directory
- README.md : this document
- README.html : this document
- ACS2011_PUMS_README.pdf : orignal Census documentation
- PUMSDataDict11.pdf : orignal Census documentation
- phsample.RData : ready to load data sample in R data format
- psub.RData : (another) ready to load data sample in R data format
- loadExample : directory of example code showing how the .Rdata samples were produced
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