In general you will need to install the udev rule file "51-blink1.rules", so that a non-root user can talk to blink(1). See that file for details.
To build the commamnd-line tool, you should be able to do: % cd ../commandline && make and it will build a "blink1-tool" executable. There are dependencies on libusb-1.0. See the Makefile for details.
Then to make the blink(1) do things, do something like: % ./blink1-tool --rgb 255,0,255
Type "./blink1-tool" by itself to get a help screen.
There is a small web server based on Mongoose in the commandline directory that is not built by default. To build and run it:
cd blink1/commandline
make blink1-tiny-server
./blink1-tiny-server -p 8080
Control the blink1 via a few special URLs, which you can see with ./blink1-tiny-server -h
Example of using it: Turn the blink(1) blue over 5 seconds:
% curl ''
In this directory, there is an init script for starting blink1-tiny-server
at boot. See the comments in the file for how to install and use it.