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About ARPSPONGE (a.k.a. "Bob")

The arpsponge is a tool that sweeps up stray ARP queries from a LAN. It listens on an ethernet interface and if the ARP rate for a particular IP address goes over the threshold, it starts faking responses.

This is especially useful on large peering LANs where a router crash can result in large ARP (broadcast) storms.

The arpsponge package provides a daemon, a CLI control utility, and an init script (see the arpsponge and asctl man pages).

This is released as free software, see the "Copying" file that came with this source).


  • GNU make
  • Perl (>= 5.10)
  • Perl modules:
    • Carp
    • Data::Dumper
    • File::Path
    • Getopt::Long
    • IO::File
    • IO::Select
    • IO::Socket
    • IO::String
    • IPC::Run
    • NetAddr::IP
    • Net::ARP
    • Net::IPv4Addr
    • NetPacket (::ARP, ::Ethernet, ::IP)
    • Net::Pcap
    • Pod::Usage
    • POSIX
    • Readonly
    • Sys::Syslog
    • Term::ReadKey
    • Term::ReadLine
    • Time::HiRes

Depending on your O/S distribution and version of Perl, some or all of these may already be included in a base install of Perl.



  1. Edit (see below)
  2. Run make dpkg
  3. dpkg --install *.deb


  1. Look at the start of and pick the correct value for DISTRO; this will pick sane defaults for the variables below.

  2. Override (or delete) DFL_SOCK_GROUP in the OVERRIDES section.

  3. Make sure the following variables are set correctly, either by the DISTRO selection or by overriding them. * PERL * IFCONFIG * SPONGE_VAR

  4. If you want, you can override any of the variables below: * DIRPREFIX * BINPREFIX * DOCPREFIX * BINDIR * LIBROOT * INSTLIB * MANDIR * DOCDIR * SECTION * FILESECTION

  5. run make (or gmake on BSD).

  6. run make install (gmake install on BSD).


See the arpsponge man page, or perldoc arpsponge.

FreeBSD Notes

Installing dependencies:

pkg install gmake \
    perl5 \
    p5-Net-Pcap p5-Readonly p5-NetAddr-IP p5-IO-String \
    p5-Net-Arp p5-Term-ReadKey p5-Term-ReadLine-Gnu p5-IPC-Run