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Melody Script

AboutInstallationSourcesCreating own version of MelodyLicense


**Melody Tool for Windows ** is a bundled app for Windows 7/8.x/10/11 which consists of several high-quality tweaks that aim to disable telemetry, optimizing windows updates, optimizing for gaming and better input latency, solve some unwanted security vulnerabilities and decreases the number of loaded annoncy elements, thus loading the Windows faster and be for better productivity.


Installation Steps
  • [Download] the latest version of the settings.
  • After downloading them wait a bit. After settings was applied the PC will reboot.

Components of Melody

Windows Operating System Optimization

In this part i had done a research about Windows Optimization, Tweaking and i read news about Microsoft's tactics to install unwanted software and add some telemetry, keylogger into Windows. The resolvation will be in system configuration: 99.7% Registry and 0.03 % Batch. I had rework some Winaero Tweaker's , O&O Shutup 10, W10 Privacy, WinSpyDisabler and BlackBird Application.

Applied Tweak Description Required Windows Version
StartAllBack Integration of StartAllBack. 3rd Party Software. Fixing Windows inconsistency in UI. Windows 10 or newer
Accesibilty Tweaks Disables Narrator annoying and Keyboard Flags Windows 11
Holographic Tweaks Optimizes Windows Holographic App Windows 10 and 11
Certificates from Microsoft Microsoft is removing some certificates in Windows 10 versions. Windows 10.0 version 1803 or newer
Apparence Optimization (registry) Disables transparency and animations for Current User and SYSTEM USER (disables animations in WinLogonUI.exe) Windows 10 or newer
Application Priority Changed some Windows Services and Application Priority none
App Permision Set some UWP Apps Permission Windows 10 1909
AutoPlay Handlers Open Folder automaticly when a storage device was inserted none
Windows Quota Disables Windows Quota Windows NT
Disable WMI KeyLogger Disables KeyLoggers (from Blackbird), and Windows Event Logger Keylogger and Logger Windows 10 1507 or newer
Disk Optization Manipulation of filesystem for security and performance Windows 10 1507 or newer
Feature Manipulation Added some "hidden features" in Windows 10 Windows 10 2004 or newer
Firewall Rules Blocks unwanted applications to connect to the Internet (Notepad, csrss.exe etc.) and adds Telemetry Rules Windows 10 1507 or newer
GPU Optimization Adds system applications to run into iGPU for better battery life in laptops Windows 10 2004
Input Tweaks Latency Optimizations,Magnectic Cursor Fixes and more Windows 10 1507 or newer
Internet Speed Optimization (registry) Change values to increase stability of Internet Connections and latency Windows 10 1507 or newer
Internet Speed Optimization (command) Sets value for Network Adapters Driver for better ping and performance. Also it modifies the values which is helping to uncrease CPU Usage in loading. Windows 10 1507 (cubic), Windows 10 1803 or newer (experimental)
IRQ Priority Better device performance and latency Windows 11
Keyboard Flags Disables shortcuts to go in Accesibility (Filter Keys, Sticky Keys) Windows 10 or newer
MMCSS Tweaks Disables MMCSS Service. For better system responsive. Causes audio shuttering in Windows 10. Increase stability in Windows 11. Windows 10 or newer
No more Delay/Timeouts Make things faster. System will load menus faster. Also the startup and shutting down will be faster. Windows 10 or newer
Notepad Tweaks Adds Word Wrap and the Status bar in Notepad for current user and the SYSTEM user. Windows 10 or newer
Power Tweaks Disables Throlling Windows 10 1709 or newer
PowerShell Execution Policy Changes policies running script. Windows 10 or newer
Push notifications Disables Windows Security Pushes Windows 10 or newer
Remove Explorer Junk Removes some shell bloat Windows 11
Resource Management CPU & GPU Prioritise Windows 11
Services Optimizer Optimize services (remove, disable, and set to manual) some Windows Services. Optimizes driver services. Disables AMDPPM for 3rd Gen. Mobile Ryzen Processor for thermal throlling (Disables Clock Speeds). ATTENTION! Search Services, VR Services and Sensor Services will be disabled. Can be enabled in services.msc, if you rebooted the pc. Windows 10 1803 or newer
SVCHOST Split Unsplit svchost.exe processes for ram comsumption savings. Windows 10 1703 or newer
System Tweaks Optimizes the system. Disables SmartScreen. Windows 10 or newer
Task Scheduler Tweaking Remove some unwanted Windows Tasks, telemetry Office Tasks and blotware. Windows 10 1809 or newer
TCP-IP Optimization Optimizes network speed. Windows 10 or newer
Windows Error Reporting Disables Windows Error Reporting Windows NT
Windows Kernel Optimizations Optimizes Kernel. Windows 11
Windows Sandbox Optimizations Disables some software rendering in the app Windows 10 2004 or newer
Windows Search Optimizations Optimizes Index Algorithm, disables web search in Windows Search and telemetry Windows 10 1507 & Windows 10 2004 or newer
Telemetry Data Collection Disables Telemetry and Data Collection in Windows (registry part) Windows 7/8/10/11 or newer
Windows Update - Disable Driver Searching Disables Driver Searching with Windows Update
Windows Update - Derivery Optimization Disables Delivery Optimization Windows 10 or newer
Windows Update Optimizes Windows Update. Disables notifications and deferes some Quality Updates and Features Updates Windows 10 or newer
Xbox Gaming Optimization Fixing errors with Teredo Connectivity (also in TCP-IP optimization) and disables GameBar Windows 10 1511 or newer.
Removal of Drive Indicator Icon in This PC Removing drive indicator it will show infos in 3 rows instead of one. (name , size and file system type) Windows 7 or newer

In this part i had done a research about replacement of Windows OS shit-like apps and Tools. This is why i forked Files-NewProjects's EarTrumpet, and added a custom clipboard system. Also the system is integrated for batter organise of management.

Added Description
EarTrumpet Replaces Windows Volume Flyout
Start AllBack Windows inconsistences.
Ditto Clipboard (modified) Replaces Windows Clipboard (Win+V) shit-like tool. This tool is not require Microsoft Account or Telemetry.
3rd Party Software Optimization

In this part i have a research to disable 3rd party Updaters , metrics and telemetry. Some config! urations are policies and be found to [].

Applied Tweak Description Required Windows Version
Office Tweaks Disables Office Telemetry and data collection Office 2013 or newer
Chrome Tweaks Adds uBlock Origin Extension, Tweaking DNS Client of Browser Chrome 96 or newer
Edge Tweaks Adds uBlock Origin Extension, Tweaking DNS Client of Browser Edge 92 or newer
Chromium Browser Updater Tweaks Optimizes Update Pipeline Chrome/Edge Updater 1.42 or newer


Some privacy Tweaks (registry Settings) are provided by Microsoft (Policy Tweaks) Check out the website by clicking the link. A smaller part of performance Tweaks are provied by AskVG website, Website and reverse engienerring of Winaero Tweaker, O&O ShutUp10, W10 Privacy and Wise Care 365, applied in Windows Telemetry Data Collection Registry File. Latency Tweaks are provided by me. Latency Service is a SFX version by TimerTool, which this tool isn't mine. EarTrumpet Integration is created by me. The application is created by File-New-Project. (I forked the project). Also Clipboard "Integration" is provided by me. The Application is created by Ditto. (provided with GNU GPL-3 License).


You can create a own version of Melody by using the provided sources of cmds , registry files ,and apps integration. Also you can download the release version, open with 7-Zip and you can remove the registry files or adding. If you want to add registry/CMDs files you MUST to write the files in commands2.bat (the file will run to current USER) or in PowerRun2.bat (th file will run to the SYSTEM user). Stable version of Melody will launch every 3 months. First 2 weeks after release, the version will be revisioned. (added integration from beta or adding tweaks).

Another Versions of Melody Script

Melody for Android Melody for Apple Devices Melody for Linux Distros


License: CC0-1.0


Melody Optimization Script for Windows






No releases published


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  • Batchfile 97.3%
  • PowerShell 2.7%