小设备合成游戏 简介:魔性的小设备合成,玩到根本停不下来 玩法:启动游戏,随机出现设备图形,可以手动触摸图形移动位置。相同图形碰撞可以合成新的图形,不同的图形碰撞可以改变运行轨迹,直到停止运动。 最后合成HarmonyOS图形,恭喜游戏成功。若满屏了还没有合成,则游戏结束。
gadget synthesis game Introduce: The small device of magic synthesizes, play to not stop at all. How to play: Start the game and randomly display the device graphics. You can manually touch the graphics to move the position. A new graphic can be synthesized by collisions of the same graphic, and a different graphic can change the trajectory until the motion stops. Finally synthesized HarmonyOS graphics, congratulations on the success of the game. If the full screen has not been synthesized, the game ends.