This directory contains files that you can put in your development environment to speed up Umple development:
For Unix, Mac and Linux users (or Windows users with Cygwin or similar):
- The following are scripts to automate common tasks
- They assume either that your git working set is at ~/umple or that you
- have created a symbolic link from ~/umple to the repo location. If not,
- the do setenv UMPLEROOT {repo} to point $UMPLEROOT to your umple repo
- runs the umple command-line compiler with standard arguments
- does a full build of Umple (make sure you have done git pull first
- you should run this before creating any pull request
- Takes 2-5 minutes. Emulates what the server does and cleanly deals with UmpleVersion
- Does a quick build (compiles .ump source, then generated code, then builds jars)
- Used when you have edited compiler code in .ump, .error etc. and want to
- determine if it compiles using the command line compiler and run manual tests
- follow with tumple or bumple before creating a pull request
- Same as the above, but also builds umple jars;
- needed when testing umplesync.jar for example
- Runs a the unit tests tests
- Does not rebuild the compiler nor run the testbed tests
- Used when you want to do basic test after doing qbumple
- Propagates the umple jars to umpleonline.
- Needed to test a local version of UmpleOnline
- Rebuilds the user manual from sources in build/reference