import UIKit
var str = "Hello, playground"
let fiveMinutesAgo = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: -5 * 60)
let fiveMinutesFromNow = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 5 * 60)
Calendar and DatComponents
let userCalendar = Calendar.current
var firstCellCallDateComponents = DateComponents()
firstCellCallDateComponents.year = 1973
firstCellCallDateComponents.month = 4 = 3 = 9
firstCellCallDateComponents.hour = 15
firstCellCallDateComponents.minute = 45
firstCellCallDateComponents.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "EST")
let firstCellCallDate = firstCellCallDateComponents)!
print("Martin Cooper made the first cellular call on \(firstCellCallDate.description(with: Locale(identifier: "en-US"))).")
let donutDay2020Components = DateComponents(
year: 2020, // We want a date in 2020,
month: 6, // in June.
weekday: 6, // We want a Friday;
weekdayOrdinal: 1 // the first one.
let donutDay2020 = donutDay2020Components)!
let day234DateComponents = DateComponents(
year: 2020, // We want a date in 2020:
day: 234 // the 234th day.
let day234Date = day234DateComponents)!
let hour10kDateComponents = DateComponents(
year: 2020, // We want a date in 2020:
hour: 10000 // the 10000th hour.
let hour10kDate = hour10kDateComponents)!
// We want to extract the year, month, and day from date
let componentsFromDate = userCalendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: hour10kDate)
print("Year: \(componentsFromDate.year!)")
print("Month: \(componentsFromDate.month!)")
print("Day: \(!)")
let swiftDebutDateComponents = DateComponents(
year: 2014,
month: 6,
day: 2
let swiftDebutDate = swiftDebutDateComponents)!
let myFormatter = DateFormatter()
myFormatter.dateStyle = .short
print("“short” style: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.dateStyle = .medium
print("“medium” style: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftDebutDate))")
myFormatter.dateStyle = .long
print("“long” style: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftDebutDate))")
myFormatter.dateStyle = .full
print("“full” style: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftDebutDate))")
// SwiftUI was introduced at WWDC 2019 on
// June 3, 2019 at 12:08 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time.
let swiftUIDebutDateComponents = DateComponents(
timeZone: TimeZone(abbreviation: "PDT"),
year: 2019,
month: 6,
day: 3,
hour: 12,
minute: 8
let swiftUIDebutDate = swiftUIDebutDateComponents)!
myFormatter.dateStyle = .short
myFormatter.timeStyle = .short
print("“short” style: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.dateStyle = .medium
myFormatter.timeStyle = .medium
print("“medium” style: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.dateStyle = .long
myFormatter.timeStyle = .long
print("“long” style: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.dateStyle = .full
myFormatter.timeStyle = .full
print("“full” style: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
Other languages
// We want to see as much of these languages as possible,
// so let’s set both dateStyle and timeStyle to .full.
myFormatter.dateStyle = .full
myFormatter.timeStyle = .full
myFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "fr")
print("International French: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "fr-CA")
print("Canadian French: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "hr")
print("Croatian: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "ko_KR")
print("Korean: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
Custom date formats
// DateFormatter's format string uses the date format specifiers
// spelled out in Unicode Technical Standard #35 (located at
myFormatter.dateFormat = "y-MM-dd"
print("Swift’s debut date and time, y-MM-dd format: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.dateFormat = "'Year: 'y' Month: 'M' Day: 'd"
print("Swift’s debut date and time, in labeled y M d format: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yy"
print("Swift’s debut date and time, MM/dd/yy format: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.dateFormat = "MMM dd, yyyy"
print("Swift’s debut date and time, MMM dd, yyyy format: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.dateFormat = "E MMM dd, yyyy"
print("Swift’s debut date and time, E MMM dd, yyyy format: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.dateFormat = "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy' at 'h:mm a"
print("Swift’s debut date and time, EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy' at 'h:mm a. format: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
myFormatter.dateFormat = "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy' at 'h:mm a zzzz"
print("Swift’s debut date and time, EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy' at 'h:mm a zzzz. format: \(myFormatter.string(from: swiftUIDebutDate)).")
String into a Date
// Let’s define the format for date strings we want to parse:
myFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm Z"
// Here's a date in the specified format.
// DateFormatter’s date(from:) method will be able to parse it.
let newDate1 = "2019/06/03 12:08 -0700")
print("newDate1’s value is: \(newDate1?.description ?? "nil").")
Date arithmetic
// Let's create a Date for the start of the Stevenote
// where the iPhone was introduced (January 9, 2007, 10:00:00 Pacific time)
// using DateComponents.
let iPhoneStevenoteDateComponents = DateComponents(
timeZone: TimeZone(abbreviation: "PST"),
year: 2007,
month: 1,
day: 9,
hour: 10
let iPhoneStevenoteDate = iPhoneStevenoteDateComponents)!
// Let's create a Date for the start of the Stevenote
// where the iPad was introduced (January 27, 2010, 10:00:00 Pacific time)
// using DateFormatter.
var dateMakerFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateMakerFormatter.calendar = userCalendar
dateMakerFormatter.dateFormat = "MMM d, yyyy, hh:mm a zz"
let iPadStevenoteDate = "Jan 27, 2010, 10:00 AM PST")!
// How far apart at this date in days?
let daysBetweenStevenotes = userCalendar.dateComponents([.day],
from: iPhoneStevenoteDate,
to: iPadStevenoteDate)
print("There were \(!) days between the iPhone Stevenote of 2007 and the iPad Stevenote of 2010.")
// In weeks?
let weeksBetweenStevenotes = userCalendar.dateComponents([.weekOfYear],
from: iPhoneStevenoteDate,
to: iPadStevenoteDate)
print("There were \(weeksBetweenStevenotes.weekOfYear!) weeks between the iPhone Stevenote of 2007 and the iPad Stevenote of 2010.")
// In years, months, days
let yearsMonthsDaysHoursMinutesBetweenStevenotes = userCalendar.dateComponents(
[.year, .month, .day, .hour, .minute],
from: iPhoneStevenoteDate,
to: iPadStevenoteDate
let years = yearsMonthsDaysHoursMinutesBetweenStevenotes.year!
let months = yearsMonthsDaysHoursMinutesBetweenStevenotes.month!
let days =!
let hours = yearsMonthsDaysHoursMinutesBetweenStevenotes.hour!
let minutes = yearsMonthsDaysHoursMinutesBetweenStevenotes.minute!
print("There were \(years) years, \(months) months, \(days) days, \(hours) hours, and \(minutes) minutes between the the iPhone Stevenote of 2007 and the iPad Stevenote of 2010.")
Addition - what is last day of the 90 days warranty?
// What's the last day of a 90-day warranty that starts today?
let lastDay = .day, value: 90, to: Date())!
print("90 days from now is: \(lastDay.description(with: Locale(identifier: "en_US")))")
// What was the date 5 weeks ago?
let fiveWeeksAgo = .weekOfYear, value: -5, to: Date())!
print("5 weeks ago was: \(fiveWeeksAgo.description(with: Locale(identifier: "en_US")))")
// What time will it be 4 hours and 30 minutes from now?
// First, we need to define a DateComponents struct representing
// a time interval of 4 hours and 30 minutes
var fourHoursThirtyMinutes = DateComponents()
fourHoursThirtyMinutes.hour = 4
fourHoursThirtyMinutes.minute = 30
// Now add the interval to the Date
let fourHoursThirtyMinutesFromNow =
byAdding: fourHoursThirtyMinutes,
to: Date()
print("4 hours and 30 minutes from now will be: \(fourHoursThirtyMinutesFromNow.description(with: Locale(identifier: "en_US")))")
// What time was it 4 hours and 30 minutes ago?
var minusFourHoursThirtyMinutes = DateComponents()
minusFourHoursThirtyMinutes.hour = -4
minusFourHoursThirtyMinutes.minute = -30
let fourHoursThirtyMinutesAgo =
byAdding: fourHoursThirtyMinutes,
to: Date()
print("4 hours and 30 minutes ago was: \(fourHoursThirtyMinutesAgo.description(with: Locale(identifier: "en_US")))")
More human friendly
// Let's define some Dates relative to the SwiftUI announcement
// (June 3, 2019, 12:08 p.m. PDT)
let swiftUIAnnouncementDateComponents = DateComponents(
timeZone: TimeZone(abbreviation: "PDT"),
year: 2019,
month: 6,
day: 3,
hour: 12,
minute: 8
let swiftUIAnnouncement = swiftUIAnnouncementDateComponents)!
let swiftUIAnnouncementPlusOneSecond =
byAdding: .second,
value: 1,
to: swiftUIAnnouncement
let swiftUIAnnouncementPlusFiveMinutes =
byAdding: .minute,
value: 5,
to: swiftUIAnnouncement
let swiftUIAnnouncementPlusThreeHours =
byAdding: .hour,
value: 3,
to: swiftUIAnnouncement
// This returns false, because when measuring time at the granularity of a SECOND,
// swiftUIAnnouncement happens BEFORE swiftUIAnnouncementPlusOneSecond.
let test1 =,
to: swiftUIAnnouncementPlusOneSecond,
toGranularity: .second)
== .orderedSame
print("test1: \(test1)")
// This returns true, because when measuring time at the granularity of a SECOND,
// swiftUIAnnouncement happens BEFORE swiftUIAnnouncementPlusOneSecond.
let test2 =,
to: swiftUIAnnouncementPlusOneSecond,
toGranularity: .second)
== .orderedAscending
print("test2: \(test2)")
// This returns true, because when measuring time at the granularity of a MINUTE,
// swiftUIAnnouncement happens AT THE SAME TIME AS swiftUIAnnouncementPlusOneSecond.
let test3 =,
to: swiftUIAnnouncementPlusOneSecond,
toGranularity: .minute)
== .orderedSame
print("test3: \(test3)")
// This returns true, because when measuring time at the granularity of an HOUR,
// swiftUIAnnouncement happens AT THE SAME TIME AS swiftUIAnnouncementPlusFiveMinutes.
let test4 =,
to: swiftUIAnnouncementPlusFiveMinutes,
toGranularity: .hour)
== .orderedSame
print("test4: \(test4)")
// This returns true, because when measuring time at the granularity of a MINUTE,
// swiftUIAnnouncementPlusFiveMinutes happens AFTER swiftUIAnnouncement.
let test5 =,
to: swiftUIAnnouncement,
toGranularity: .minute)
== .orderedDescending
print("test5: \(test5)")
// This returns true, because when measuring time at the granularity of a DAY,
// swiftUIAnnouncement happens AT THE SAME TIME AS swiftUIAnnouncementPlusThreeHours.
let test6 =,
to: swiftUIAnnouncementPlusThreeHours,
toGranularity: .day)
== .orderedSame
print("test6: \(test6)")
Syntactic magic - overriding + and -
var timeInterval = DateComponents(
month: 2,
day: 3,
hour: 4,
minute: 5,
second: 6
let futureDate = timeInterval, to: Date())!
print("2 months, 3 days, 4 hours, 5 minutes, and 6 seconds from now is \(futureDate.description(with: Locale(identifier: "en_US"))).")
// Overloading + and - so that we can add and subtract DateComponents
// ==================================================================
func +(_ lhs: DateComponents, _ rhs: DateComponents) -> DateComponents {
return combineComponents(lhs, rhs)
func -(_ lhs: DateComponents, _ rhs: DateComponents) -> DateComponents {
return combineComponents(lhs, rhs, multiplier: -1)
func combineComponents(_ lhs: DateComponents,
_ rhs: DateComponents,
multiplier: Int = 1)
-> DateComponents {
var result = DateComponents()
result.nanosecond = (lhs.nanosecond ?? 0) + (rhs.nanosecond ?? 0) * multiplier
result.second = (lhs.second ?? 0) + (rhs.second ?? 0) * multiplier
result.minute = (lhs.minute ?? 0) + (rhs.minute ?? 0) * multiplier
result.hour = (lhs.hour ?? 0) + (rhs.hour ?? 0) * multiplier = ( ?? 0) + ( ?? 0) * multiplier
result.weekOfYear = (lhs.weekOfYear ?? 0) + (rhs.weekOfYear ?? 0) * multiplier
result.month = (lhs.month ?? 0) + (rhs.month ?? 0) * multiplier
result.year = (lhs.year ?? 0) + (rhs.year ?? 0) * multiplier
return result
// Let's define a couple of durations of time
// ------------------------------------------
var oneDayFiveHoursTenMinutes = DateComponents(
day: 1,
hour: 5,
minute: 10
var threeDaysTenHoursThirtyMinutes = DateComponents(
day: 3,
hour: 10,
minute: 30
// Now let's add and subtract them
// -------------------------------
let additionResult = oneDayFiveHoursTenMinutes + threeDaysTenHoursThirtyMinutes
print("1 day, 5 hours, and 10 minutes + 3 days, 10 hours, and 30 minutes equals:")
print("\(!) days, \(additionResult.hour!) hours, and \(additionResult.minute!) minutes.")
let subtractionResult = threeDaysTenHoursThirtyMinutes - oneDayFiveHoursTenMinutes
print("1 day, 5 hours, and 10 minutes - 3 days, 10 hours, and 30 minutes equals:")
print("\(!) days, \(subtractionResult.hour!) hours, and \(subtractionResult.minute!) minutes.")
// Overloading - so that we can negate DateComponents
// --------------------------------------------------
// We'll need to overload unary - so we can negate components
prefix func -(components: DateComponents) -> DateComponents {
var result = DateComponents()
if components.nanosecond != nil { result.nanosecond = -components.nanosecond! }
if components.second != nil { result.second = -components.second! }
if components.minute != nil { result.minute = -components.minute! }
if components.hour != nil { result.hour = -components.hour! }
if != nil { =! }
if components.weekOfYear != nil { result.weekOfYear = -components.weekOfYear! }
if components.month != nil { result.month = -components.month! }
if components.year != nil { result.year = -components.year! }
return result
let negativeTime = -oneDayFiveHoursTenMinutes
print("Negating 1 day, 5 hours, and 10 minutes turns it into:")
print("\(!) days, \(negativeTime.hour!) hours, and \(negativeTime.minute!) minutes.")
// Overloading + and - so that we can add Dates and DateComponents
// and subtract DateComponents from Dates
// Date + DateComponents
func +(_ lhs: Date, _ rhs: DateComponents) -> Date
return rhs, to: lhs)!
// DateComponents + Dates
func +(_ lhs: DateComponents, _ rhs: Date) -> Date
return rhs + lhs
// Date - DateComponents
func -(_ lhs: Date, _ rhs: DateComponents) -> Date
return lhs + (-rhs)
// What time will it be 1 day, 5 hours, and 10 minutes from now?
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Here's the standard way of finding out:
let futureDate0 =
byAdding: oneDayFiveHoursTenMinutes,
to: Date()
// With our overloads and function definitions, we can now do it this way:
let futureDate1 = Date() + oneDayFiveHoursTenMinutes
print("Date() + oneDayFiveHoursTenMinutes = \(futureDate1.description(with: Locale(identifier: "en_US")))")
// This will work as well:
let futureDate2 = oneDayFiveHoursTenMinutes + Date()
print("oneDayFiveHoursTenMinutes + Date() = \(futureDate2.description(with: Locale(identifier: "en_US")))")
// What time was it 3 days, 10 hours, and 30 minutes ago?
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Doing it the standard way takes some work
var minus3Days5Hours30minutes = threeDaysTenHoursThirtyMinutes =!
minus3Days5Hours30minutes.hour = -threeDaysTenHoursThirtyMinutes.hour!
minus3Days5Hours30minutes.minute = -threeDaysTenHoursThirtyMinutes.minute!
let pastDate0 = minus3Days5Hours30minutes, to: Date())
// With our overloads and function definitions, it's so much easier:
let pastDate1 = Date() - threeDaysTenHoursThirtyMinutes
print("Date() - threeDaysTenHoursThirtyMinutes = \(pastDate1.description(with: Locale(identifier: "en_US")))")
// Extending Date so that creating dates and debugging are simpler
// ===============================================================
extension Date {
init(year: Int,
month: Int,
day: Int,
hour: Int = 0,
minute: Int = 0,
second: Int = 0,
timeZone: TimeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "UTC")!) {
var components = DateComponents()
components.year = year
components.month = month = day
components.hour = hour
components.minute = minute
components.second = second
components.timeZone = timeZone
self = components)!
init(dateString: String) {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zz"
self = dateString)!
var desc: String {
get {
let PREFERRED_LOCALE = "en_US" // Use whatever locale you prefer!
return self.description(with: Locale(identifier: PREFERRED_LOCALE))
// Overloading - so that we can use it to find the difference
// between two Dates
// ==========================================================
func -(_ lhs: Date, _ rhs: Date) -> DateComponents
return Calendar.current.dateComponents(
[.year, .month, .weekOfYear, .day, .hour, .minute, .second, .nanosecond],
from: rhs,
to: lhs)
// How long was it between the announcement of the original iPhone
// and its release in the stores?
let iPhoneReleaseDate = Date(year: 2007, month: 6, day: 27)
let iPhoneWait = iPhoneReleaseDate - iPhoneStevenoteDate
print("The first iPhone users had to wait this long: ")
print("\(iPhoneWait.year!) years, " +
"\(iPhoneWait.month!) months, " +
"\(iPhoneWait.weekOfYear!) weeks, " +
"\(!) days, " +
"\(iPhoneWait.hour!) hours, and " +
"\(iPhoneWait.minute!) minutes.")
// How long ago was the first moon landing, which took place
// on July 20, 1969, 20:18 UTC?
let timeSinceMoonLanding = Date() - Date(dateString: "1969-07-20 20:18:00 UTC")
print("It’s been this long since the first moon landing: ")
print("\(timeSinceMoonLanding.year!) years, " +
"\(timeSinceMoonLanding.month!) months, " +
"\(timeSinceMoonLanding.weekOfYear!) weeks, " +
"\(!) days, " +
"\(timeSinceMoonLanding.hour!) hours, and " +
"\(timeSinceMoonLanding.minute!) minutes.")
// Extending Int to add some syntactic magic to date components
// ============================================================
extension Int {
var second: DateComponents {
var components = DateComponents()
components.second = self;
return components
var seconds: DateComponents {
return self.second
var minute: DateComponents {
var components = DateComponents()
components.minute = self;
return components
var minutes: DateComponents {
return self.minute
var hour: DateComponents {
var components = DateComponents()
components.hour = self;
return components
var hours: DateComponents {
return self.hour
var day: DateComponents {
var components = DateComponents() = self;
return components
var days: DateComponents {
var week: DateComponents {
var components = DateComponents()
components.weekOfYear = self;
return components
var weeks: DateComponents {
return self.week
var month: DateComponents {
var components = DateComponents()
components.month = self;
return components
var months: DateComponents {
return self.month
var year: DateComponents {
var components = DateComponents()
components.year = self;
return components
var years: DateComponents {
return self.year
// A quick test of some future dates
print("One hour from now is: \((Date() + 1.hour).desc)")
print("One day from now is: \((Date() +")
print("One week from now is: \((Date() + 1.week).desc)")
print("One month from now is: \((Date() + 1.month).desc)")
print("One year from now is: \((Date() + 1.year).desc)")
// What was the date 10 years, 9 months, 8 days, 7 hours, and 6 minutes ago?
let aLittleWhileBack = Date() - 10.years - 9.months - 8.days - 7.hours - 6.minutes
print("10 years, 9 months, 8 days, 7 hours, and 6 minutes ago, it was: \(aLittleWhileBack.desc)")
// Extending DateComponents to add even more syntactic magic: fromNow and ago
// ==========================================================================
extension DateComponents {
var fromNow: Date {
return self,
to: Date())!
var ago: Date {
return -self,
to: Date())!
// We’re now in Serious Syntax Magic Land!
// ---------------------------------------
print("2.weeks.fromNow: \(2.weeks.fromNow.desc)")
print("3.months.fromNow: \(3.months.fromNow.desc)")
let futureDate3 = (2.months + 3.days + 4.hours + 5.minutes + 6.seconds).fromNow
print("futureDate3: \(futureDate3.desc)")
let pastDate2 = (2.months + 3.days + 4.hours + 5.minutes + 6.seconds).ago
print("pastDate2: \(pastDate2.desc)")