Data Apps & Dashboards for Python. No JavaScript Required.
Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio and Python
Tools for Odoo Administrators to improve some technical features on Odoo.
Odoo SaaS Tools — tools for SaaS Businesses. Sale and manage Odoo databases.
Odoo Accountant Financial Tools and Utils
Automated database backups from Odoo, both locally and on an FTP server
All our modules related to developments that solves generic issues on Odoo, or that solve internal problems on Odoo Core, if something is here, maybe it is solving an issue in your company, try it …
Odoo modules enabling dynamic product configuration
Manage the aggregation of git branches from different remotes to build a consolidated one.
Docky - Helper for docker-compose mainly used in odoo context
Thinkopen Solutions Brasil Addons for Odoo
yelizariev / addons-yelizariev
Forked from itpp-labs/misc-addonsRepo is relocated!
This project is now maintained at the OCA at
Odoo (OpenERP) module for connecting odoo to sentry
Custom OpenERP modules (extensions) for Bahmni