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Hardhat example: EVM

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This example introduces the use of Acala EVM+ predeployed EVM that is present on every network at a fixed address (the address of a predeployed contract is the same on a local development network, public test network as well as the production network). As this example focuses on showcasing the interactions with the predeployed EVM, it doesn't have its own smart conract. We will get all of the required imports from the @acala-network/contracts dependency. The precompiles and predeploys are a specific feature of the Acala EVM+, so this tutorial is no longer compatible with traditional EVM development networks (like Ganache) or with the Hardhat's built in network emulator.

Let's take a look!

Smart contract

As mentioned in the introduction, this tutorial doesn't include the smart contract, so the contracts folder can be removed as well. We will however be using the @acala-network/contracts dependency in order to gain access to the precompiled resources of the EVM smart contract.


Tests for this tutorial will validate the expected operation and values returned by the EVM predeployed smart contract. The test file in our case is called EVM.js. Within it we import the expect from chai dependency and Contract, BigNumber amd Wallet from the ethers dependency. We are using Contract in stead of ContractFactory, because the contract is already deployed to the network. The EVM, which is an export from the ADDRESS utility of @acala-network/contracts dependency, is imported and it holds the value of the address of the EVM smart contract. txParams from the transactionHelper utility is imported in order to set the deploy transaction parameters for our test contract. Additionally we are importing the compiled EVM smart contract from the @acala-network/contracts dependency, which we will use to instantiate the smart contract. Token precompile is imported from @acala-network/contracts so that we can deploy it and use it in the tests.

The test file with import statements and an empty test should look like this:

const { expect } = require("chai");
const { Contract, BigNumber, Wallet } = require("ethers");
const { EVM } = require("@acala-network/contracts/utils/Address");

const { txParams } = require("../utils/transactionHelper");

const EVMContract = require("@acala-network/contracts/build/contracts/EVM.json");
const TokenContract = require("@acala-network/contracts/build/contracts/Token.json");
const NULL_ADDRESS = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";

describe("EVM contract", function () {


To prepare for the testing, we have to define the global variables, instance, contract, deployer, user, deployerAddress and userAddres. The instance will store the predeployed EVM smart contract instance and constract will store our test contract instance. The deployer and user will store Signers and the deployerAddress and userAddress will store their addresses. Let's assign these values in the beforeEach action:

        let instance;
        let contract;
        let deployer;
        let user;
        let deployerAddress;
        let userAddress;

        beforeEach(async function () {
                const ethParams = await txParams();
                [deployer, user] = await ethers.getSigners();
                deployerAddress = await deployer.getAddress();
                userAddress = await user.getAddress();
                instance = new Contract(EVM, EVMContract.abi, deployer);
                const Token = new ethers.ContractFactory(TokenContract.abi, TokenContract.bytecode, deployer);
                contract = await Token.deploy({
                        gasPrice: ethParams.txGasPrice,
                        gasLimit: ethParams.txGasLimit,

You can see how we used the EVM from the ADDRESS utility in order to set the address of our predeployed smart contract.

Our test will only contain one top-level section called Operation in which we will be checking the following functions (which will each be tested in its own section):

  1. newContractExtraBytes() function to get the NewContractExtraBytes constant.
  2. storageDepositPerByte() function to get the StorageDepositPerByte constant.
  3. maintainerOf() function to get the maintainer of the contract.
  4. developerDeposit() function to get the value of the developer deposit.
  5. publicationFee() function to get the vale of the publication fee.
  6. transferMaintainter() function to transfer the maintainer role of the smart contract.
  7. publishContract() function that publishes a smart contract (makes it available for interactions to the non-developer accounts).
  8. developerStatus() function that returns the development mode status of the address.
  9. developerDisable() function that disables developer mode of the account.
  10. developerEnable() function that enables developer mode of the account.

Before we add the inner describe blocks within the Operation describe block, we should increase the timeout for this test to 50s, to make sure that the tests can be run on the public test network in addition to the local development network:

        describe("Operation", function () {

                describe("newContractExtraBytes()", function () {


                describe("storageDepositPerByte()", function () {


                describe("maintainerOf()", function () {


                describe("developerDeposit()", function () {


                describe("publicationFee()", function () {


                describe("transferMaintainter()", function () {


                describe("publishContract()", function () {


                describe("developerStatus()", function () {


                describe("developerDisable()", function () {


                describe("developerEnable()", function () {

When validating the newContractExtraBytes() function, we will check for the following examples:

  1. New contract extra bytes are returned.

The section should look like this:

                        it("should return the new contract extra bytes", async function () {
                                const response = await instance.newContractExtraBytes();


When validating the storageDepositPerByte() function, we will check for the following examples:

  1. Storage deposit per byte is returned.

The section should look like this:

                        it("should return the storage deposit", async function () {
                                const response = await instance.storageDepositPerByte();


When validating the maintainerOf() function, we will check for the following examples:

  1. Maintainer of the contract should be returned

The section should look like this:

                        it("should return the maintainer of the contract", async function () {
                                const owner = await instance.maintainerOf(contract.address);


When validating the developerDeposit() function, we will check for the following examples:

  1. Value of the developer deposit should be returned.

The section should look like this:

                        it("should return the developer deposit", async function () {
                                const response = await instance.developerDeposit();


When validating the publicationFee() function, we will check for the following examples:

  1. Publication fee should be returned.

The section should look like this:

                        it("should return the publication fee", async function () {
                                const response = await instance.publicationFee();


When validating the transferMaintainter() function, we will check for the following examples:

  1. Maintainer of the contract should be transferred if the caller is current maintainer.
  2. TransferredMaintainer event should be emitted when the maintainer is transferred.
  3. It should revert if the caller is not the maintainer of the contract.
  4. It should revert if trying to transfer the maintainer of the 0x0.
  5. It should revert if trying to transfer the maintainer to 0x0 address.

The section should look like this:

                        it("should transfer the maintainer of the contract", async function () {
                                const initialOwner = await instance.maintainerOf(contract.address);

                                await instance.connect(deployer).transferMaintainer(contract.address, userAddress);

                                const finalOwner = await instance.maintainerOf(contract.address);


                        it("should emit TransferredMaintainer when maintainer role of the contract is transferred", async function () {
                                await expect(instance.connect(deployer).transferMaintainer(contract.address, userAddress)).to
                                        .emit(instance, "TransferredMaintainer")
                                        .withArgs(contract.address, userAddress);

                        it("should revert if the caller is not the maintainer of the contract", async function() {
                                await expect(instance.connect(user).transferMaintainer(contract.address, deployerAddress)).to

                        it("should revert if trying to transfer maintainer of 0x0", async function () {
                                await expect(instance.connect(deployer).transferMaintainer(NULL_ADDRESS, userAddress)).to
                                        .be.revertedWith("EVM: the contract_address is the zero address");

                        it("should revert when trying to transfer maintainer to 0x0 address", async function () {
                                await expect(instance.connect(deployer).transferMaintainer(contract.address, NULL_ADDRESS)).to
                                        .be.revertedWith("EVM: the new_maintainer is the zero address");

When validating the publishContract() function, we will check for the following examples:

  1. ContractPublished event should be emitted when the contract is published.
  2. It should revert when the caller is not the maintainer of the contract.
  3. It should revert when tring to publish 0x0 contract.

The section should look like this:

                        it("should emit ContractPublished event", async function () {
                                await expect(instance.connect(deployer).publishContract(contract.address)).to
                                        .emit(instance, "ContractPublished")

                        it("should revert when caller is not the maintainer of the contract", async function () {
                                await expect(instance.connect(user).publishContract(contract.address)).to

                        it("should revert when trying to publish 0x0 contract", async function () {
                                await expect(instance.connect(deployer).publishContract(NULL_ADDRESS)).to
                                        .be.revertedWith("EVM: the contract_address is the zero address");

When validating the developerStatus() function, we will check for the following examples:

  1. It should return the developer mode status of the address.

The section should look like this:

                        it("should return the status of the development account", async function () {
                                const randomSigner = new Wallet.createRandom();

                                const responseTrue = await instance.developerStatus(deployerAddress);
                                const responseFalse = await instance.developerStatus(await randomSigner.getAddress());


When validating the developerDisable() function, we will check for the following examples:

  1. It should disable developer mode.
  2. DeveloperDisabled event is emitted when developer mode is disabled.
  3. It should revert if developer mode is already disabled.

The section should look like this:

                        it("should disable development mode", async function () {
                                const setupStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);
                                        await instance.connect(user).developerEnable();

                                const initialStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);

                                await instance.connect(user).developerDisable();

                                const finalStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);


                        it("should emit DeveloperDisabled", async function () {
                                const initialStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);
                                        await instance.connect(user).developerEnable();

                                await expect(instance.connect(user).developerDisable()).to
                                        .emit(instance, "DeveloperDisabled")

                        it("should revert if the development account is not enabled", async function () {
                                const setupStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);
                                        await instance.connect(user).developerDisable();

                                await expect(instance.connect(user).developerDisable()).to

When validating the developerEnable() function, we will check for the following examples:

  1. It should enable developer mode.
  2. DeveloperEnabled event is emitted when developer mode is enabled.
  3. It should revert if developer mode is already enabled.

The section should look like this:

                        it("should enable development mode", async function () {
                                const setupStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);
                                        await instance.connect(user).developerDisable();

                                const initialStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);

                                await instance.connect(user).developerEnable();

                                const finalStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);


                        it("should emit DeveloperEnabled event", async function () {
                                const setupStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);
                                        await instance.connect(user).developerDisable();

                                await expect(instance.connect(user).developerEnable()).to
                                        .emit(instance, "DeveloperEnabled")

                        it("should revert if the development mode is already enabled", async function () {
                                const setupStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);
                                        await instance.connect(user).developerEnable();

                                await expect(instance.connect(user).developerEnable()).to

With that, our test is ready to be run.

Your test/EVM.js should look like this:
    const { expect } = require("chai");
    const { Contract, BigNumber, Wallet } = require("ethers");
    const { EVM } = require("@acala-network/contracts/utils/Address");

    const { txParams } = require("../utils/transactionHelper");

    const EVMContract = require("@acala-network/contracts/build/contracts/EVM.json");
    const TokenContract = require("@acala-network/contracts/build/contracts/Token.json");
    const NULL_ADDRESS = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";

    describe("EVM contract", function () {
            let instance;
            let contract;
            let deployer;
            let user;
            let deployerAddress;
            let userAddress;

            beforeEach(async function () {
                    const ethParams = await txParams();
                    [deployer, user] = await ethers.getSigners();
                    deployerAddress = await deployer.getAddress();
                    userAddress = await user.getAddress();
                    instance = new Contract(EVM, EVMContract.abi, deployer);
                    const Token = new ethers.ContractFactory(TokenContract.abi, TokenContract.bytecode, deployer);
                    contract = await Token.deploy({
                            gasPrice: ethParams.txGasPrice,
                            gasLimit: ethParams.txGasLimit,

            describe("Operation", function () {

                    describe("newContractExtraBytes()", function () {
                            it("should return the new contract extra bytes", async function () {
                                    const response = await instance.newContractExtraBytes();


                    describe("storageDepositPerByte()", function () {
                            it("should return the storage deposit", async function () {
                                    const response = await instance.storageDepositPerByte();


                    describe("maintainerOf()", function () {
                            it("should return the maintainer of the contract", async function () {
                                    const owner = await instance.maintainerOf(contract.address);


                    describe("developerDeposit()", function () {
                            it("should return the developer deposit", async function () {
                                    const response = await instance.developerDeposit();


                    describe("publicationFee()", function () {
                            it("should return the publication fee", async function () {
                                    const response = await instance.publicationFee();


                    describe("transferMaintainter()", function () {
                            it("should transfer the maintainer of the contract", async function () {
                                    const initialOwner = await instance.maintainerOf(contract.address);

                                    await instance.connect(deployer).transferMaintainer(contract.address, userAddress);

                                    const finalOwner = await instance.maintainerOf(contract.address);


                            it("should emit TransferredMaintainer when maintainer role of the contract is transferred", async function () {
                                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).transferMaintainer(contract.address, userAddress)).to
                                            .emit(instance, "TransferredMaintainer")
                                            .withArgs(contract.address, userAddress);

                            it("should revert if the caller is not the maintainer of the contract", async function() {
                                    await expect(instance.connect(user).transferMaintainer(contract.address, deployerAddress)).to

                            it("should revert if trying to transfer maintainer of 0x0", async function () {
                                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).transferMaintainer(NULL_ADDRESS, userAddress)).to
                                            .be.revertedWith("EVM: the contract_address is the zero address");

                            it("should revert when trying to transfer maintainer to 0x0 address", async function () {
                                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).transferMaintainer(contract.address, NULL_ADDRESS)).to
                                            .be.revertedWith("EVM: the new_maintainer is the zero address");

                    describe("publishContract()", function () {
                            it("should emit ContractPublished event", async function () {
                                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).publishContract(contract.address)).to
                                            .emit(instance, "ContractPublished")

                            it("should revert when caller is not the maintainer of the contract", async function () {
                                    await expect(instance.connect(user).publishContract(contract.address)).to

                            it("should revert when trying to publish 0x0 contract", async function () {
                                    await expect(instance.connect(deployer).publishContract(NULL_ADDRESS)).to
                                            .be.revertedWith("EVM: the contract_address is the zero address");

                    describe("developerStatus()", function () {
                            it("should return the status of the development account", async function () {
                                    const randomSigner = new Wallet.createRandom();

                                    const responseTrue = await instance.developerStatus(deployerAddress);
                                    const responseFalse = await instance.developerStatus(await randomSigner.getAddress());


                    describe("developerDisable()", function () {
                            it("should disable development mode", async function () {
                                    const setupStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);
                                            await instance.connect(user).developerEnable();

                                    const initialStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);

                                    await instance.connect(user).developerDisable();

                                    const finalStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);


                            it("should emit DeveloperDisabled", async function () {
                                    const initialStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);
                                            await instance.connect(user).developerEnable();

                                    await expect(instance.connect(user).developerDisable()).to
                                            .emit(instance, "DeveloperDisabled")

                            it("should revert if the development account is not enabled", async function () {
                                    const setupStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);
                                            await instance.connect(user).developerDisable();

                                    await expect(instance.connect(user).developerDisable()).to

                    describe("developerEnable()", function () {
                            it("should enable development mode", async function () {
                                    const setupStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);
                                            await instance.connect(user).developerDisable();

                                    const initialStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);

                                    await instance.connect(user).developerEnable();

                                    const finalStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);


                            it("should emit DeveloperEnabled event", async function () {
                                    const setupStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);
                                            await instance.connect(user).developerDisable();

                                    await expect(instance.connect(user).developerEnable()).to
                                            .emit(instance, "DeveloperEnabled")

                            it("should revert if the development mode is already enabled", async function () {
                                    const setupStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);
                                            await instance.connect(user).developerEnable();

                                    await expect(instance.connect(user).developerEnable()).to

When you run the test with (for example) yarn test-mandala, your tests should pass with the following output:

yarn test-mandala

yarn run v1.22.17
$ hardhat test test/EVM.js --network mandala

  EVM contract
        ✓ should return the new contract extra bytes
        ✓ should return the storage deposit (41ms)
        ✓ should return the maintainer of the contract
        ✓ should return the developer deposit
        ✓ should return the publication fee
        ✓ should return the storage deposit (1478ms)
        ✓ should emit TransferredMaintainer when maintainer role of the contract is transferred (5495ms)
        ✓ should revert if the caller is not the maintainer of the contract
        ✓ should revert if trying to transfer maintainer of 0x0
        ✓ should revert when trying to mainain maintainer to 0x0 address
        ✓ should emit ContractPublished event (5443ms)
        ✓ should revert when caller is not the maintainer of the contract
        ✓ should revert when trying to publish 0x0 contract
        ✓ should return the status of the development account (102ms)
        ✓ should disable development mode (1445ms)
        ✓ should emit DeveloperDisabled (2662ms)
        ✓ should revert if the development account is not enabled (52ms)
        ✓ should enable development mode (1364ms)
        ✓ should emit DeveloperEnabled event (2747ms)
        ✓ should revert if the development mode is already enabled

  20 passing (47s)

✨  Done in 48.45s.

User journey

Since there is no contract to deploy, let's add a simulation of a user interacting with a EVM and log all of the changes and information to the console. The script will be called userJourney.js and will reside in the scripts/ folder:

touch scripts/userJourney.js

The empty user journey script together with the imports of EVM from @acala-network/contracts, Contract from ethers, txParams from transactionHelper utility and precompiled EVM and Token smart contracts from @acala-network/contracts should look like this:

const { EVM } = require("@acala-network/contracts/utils/Address");
const { Contract } = require("ethers");

const { txParams } = require("../utils/transactionHelper");

const EVMContract = require("@acala-network/contracts/build/contracts/EVM.json");
const TokenContract = require("@acala-network/contracts/build/contracts/Token.json");

async function main () {

  .then(() => process.exit(0))
  .catch((error) => {

We will pad the log to the console with empty strings in order to get a more verbose output. At the beginning of the script, we assign a Signer value to deployer and user, get the Signer's addresses and instantiate the predeployed EVM smart contract with the help of the ADDRESS utility:


    const [deployer, user] = await ethers.getSigners();
    const deployerAddress = await deployer.getAddress();
    const userAddress = await user.getAddress();

    console.log(`Interacting with EVM using accounts ${deployerAddress} and ${userAddress}`);


    console.log("Instantiating EVM smart contract");

    const instance = new Contract(EVM, EVMContract.abi, deployer);

    console.log("EVM instantiated with address", instance.address);

Now that we have instatiated the smart contract, we have to prepare the Signers for the journey. As both start the journey as non-developer accounts, we need to make sure that is the case (and disable the development mode if necessary):


    console.log("Preparing addresses for the journey");

    const initalDeployerStatus = await instance.developerStatus(deployerAddress);
    const initialUserStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);

      await instance.connect(deployer).developerDisable();

      await instance.connect(user).developerDisable();

As the development mode si disabled on our deployer Signer, we need to enable it. After it is enabled, we can query and output the development status of both of the Signers:


    console.log("Enabling development mode on deployer address");

    await instance.connect(deployer).developerEnable();

    const midwayDeployerStatus = await instance.developerStatus(deployerAddress);
    const midwayUserStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);

    console.log(`The developer status of ${deployerAddress} in ${midwayDeployerStatus}.`);
    console.log(`The developer status of ${userAddress} in ${midwayUserStatus}.`);

Now that the deployer has developer mode enabled, we can use it to deploy the journey smart contract. Before we are able to deploy it, we need to use the txParams from the transactionHelper utility in order to calculate the transaction parameters for the deploy transaction. We can now check for the maintainer of the newly deployed smart contract and output the result to the console:


    console.log("Deploying a smart contract");

    const ethParams = await txParams();
    const Token = new ethers.ContractFactory(TokenContract.abi, TokenContract.bytecode, deployer);
    const contract = await Token.deploy({
            gasPrice: ethParams.txGasPrice,
            gasLimit: ethParams.txGasLimit,

    const deployMaintainer = await instance.maintainerOf(contract.address);

    console.log(`Contract deployed at ${contract.address} has a maintainer ${deployMaintainer}`);

Before the account, that doesn't have the developer mode enabled can interact with the smart contract, the smart contract has to be published. When publishing a smart contract, the maintainer has to pay the publication fee. Let's query it, publish the smart contract and log the publication fee to the console:


    console.log("Publishing the contract");

    const fee = await instance.publicationFee();

    await instance.connect(deployer).publishContract(contract.address);

    console.log(`Publication fee is ${fee}`);
    console.log("Contract is sucessfuly published!");

If we wish to transfer maintainer of the smart contract to another address, we need to make sure that it has the development mode enabled. Since we will be transferring the maintainer to user, we have to enable the development mode on it. Once we do, we can output the development mode status of both Signers to the console:


    console.log("Enabling developer mode on the user address");

    await instance.connect(user).developerEnable();

    const finalDeployerStatus = await instance.developerStatus(deployerAddress);
    const finalUserStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);

    console.log(`The developer status of ${deployerAddress} in ${finalDeployerStatus}.`);
    console.log(`The developer status of ${userAddress} in ${finalUserStatus}.`);

Now that the user Signer is ready to become the maintainer of the journey smart contract, we can transfer the maintainer and log the result to the console:


    console.log("Transferring maintainer of the contract to the user address");

    const initialMaintainer = await instance.maintainerOf(contract.address);

    await instance.connect(deployer).transferMaintainer(contract.address, userAddress);

    const finalMaintainer = await instance.maintainerOf(contract.address);

    console.log(`Maintainer of the contract at ${contract.address} was transferred from ${initialMaintainer} to ${finalMaintainer}.`);

Finally our user journey is completed and all that is left to do is to add this information to the console:


    console.log("User journey completed!");
Your scripts/userJourney.js should look like this:
    const { EVM } = require("@acala-network/contracts/utils/Address");
    const { Contract } = require("ethers");

    const { txParams } = require("../utils/transactionHelper");

    const EVMContract = require("@acala-network/contracts/build/contracts/EVM.json");
    const TokenContract = require("@acala-network/contracts/build/contracts/Token.json");

    async function main () {

            const [deployer, user] = await ethers.getSigners();
            const deployerAddress = await deployer.getAddress();
            const userAddress = await user.getAddress();

            console.log(`Interacting with EVM using accounts ${deployerAddress} and ${userAddress}`);


            console.log("Instantiating EVM smart contract");

            const instance = new Contract(EVM, EVMContract.abi, deployer);

            console.log("EVM instantiated with address", instance.address);


            console.log("Preparing addresses for the journey");

            const initalDeployerStatus = await instance.developerStatus(deployerAddress);
            const initialUserStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);

                    await instance.connect(deployer).developerDisable();

                    await instance.connect(user).developerDisable();


            console.log("Enabling development mode on deployer address");

            await instance.connect(deployer).developerEnable();

            const midwayDeployerStatus = await instance.developerStatus(deployerAddress);
            const midwayUserStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);

            console.log(`The developer status of ${deployerAddress} in ${midwayDeployerStatus}.`);
            console.log(`The developer status of ${userAddress} in ${midwayUserStatus}.`);


            console.log("Deploying a smart contract");

            const ethParams = await txParams();
            const Token = new ethers.ContractFactory(TokenContract.abi, TokenContract.bytecode, deployer);
            const contract = await Token.deploy({
                    gasPrice: ethParams.txGasPrice,
                    gasLimit: ethParams.txGasLimit,

            const deployMaintainer = await instance.maintainerOf(contract.address);

            console.log(`Contract deployed at ${contract.address} has a maintainer ${deployMaintainer}`);


            console.log("Publishing the contract");

            const fee = await instance.publicationFee();

            await instance.connect(deployer).publishContract(contract.address);

            console.log(`Publication fee is ${fee}`);
            console.log("Contract is sucessfuly published!");


            console.log("Enabling developer mode on the user address");

            await instance.connect(user).developerEnable();

            const finalDeployerStatus = await instance.developerStatus(deployerAddress);
            const finalUserStatus = await instance.developerStatus(userAddress);

            console.log(`The developer status of ${deployerAddress} in ${finalDeployerStatus}.`);
            console.log(`The developer status of ${userAddress} in ${finalUserStatus}.`);


            console.log("Transferring maintainer of the contract to the user address");

            const initialMaintainer = await instance.maintainerOf(contract.address);

            await instance.connect(deployer).transferMaintainer(contract.address, userAddress);

            const finalMaintainer = await instance.maintainerOf(contract.address);

            console.log(`Maintainer of the contract at ${contract.address} was transferred from ${initialMaintainer} to ${finalMaintainer}.`);


            console.log("User journey completed!");

            .then(() => process.exit(0))
            .catch((error) => {

To use the script within the local development network or a public development network, you need to add the following scripts to scripts section of your package.json:

    "user-journey-mandala": "hardhat run scripts/userJourney.js --network mandala",
    "user-journey-mandala:pubDev": "hardhat run scripts/userJourney.js --network mandalaPubDev"

Running the yarn user-journey-mandala script should return the following output:

yarn user-journey-mandala

yarn run v1.22.17
$ hardhat run scripts/userJourney.js --network mandala

Interacting with EVM using accounts 0x75E480dB528101a381Ce68544611C169Ad7EB342 and 0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6

Instantiating EVM smart contract
EVM instantiated with address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000800

Preparing addresses for the journey

Enabling development mode on deployer address
The developer status of 0x75E480dB528101a381Ce68544611C169Ad7EB342 in true.
The developer status of 0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6 in false.

Deploying a smart contract
Contract deployed at 0x59368c7F0898B1e569c9058b6247a84f90692B47 has a maintainer 0x75E480dB528101a381Ce68544611C169Ad7EB342

Publishing the contract
Publication fee is 1000000000000000000
Contract is sucessfuly published!

Enabling developer mode on the user address
The developer status of 0x75E480dB528101a381Ce68544611C169Ad7EB342 in true.
The developer status of 0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6 in true.

Transferring maintainer of the contract to the user address
Maintainer of the contract at 0x59368c7F0898B1e569c9058b6247a84f90692B47 was transferred from 0x75E480dB528101a381Ce68544611C169Ad7EB342 to 0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6.

User journey completed!
✨  Done in 10.91s.


We have built upon the knowledge on how to interact with the Acala EVM+ and gotten familiar with Acala EVM+ precompiles and predeploys. To run the test we can use the yarn test-mandala and yarn test-madala:pubDev and to run the user journey script we can use the yarn user-journey-mandala and yarn user-journey-mandala:pubDev. As we are using utilities only available in the Acala EVM+, we can no longer use a conventional development network like Ganache or Hardhat's emulated network.