Dockerfile to build latest and any tagged version of cppcheck.
Main aims:
Ability to build the most recent version of cppcheck. With this Dockerfile you can build the lastest main branch.
Make the result image as small as possible. This Dockerfile uses alpine linux and removes any unneeded file and strips the resulting cppcheck binary.
Easy to use. Only need to mount a directory to /src to start check.
CI/CD will automatically build, test and push new images to container registries. Currently, the following registries are supported:
docker run -v $(pwd):/src neszt/cppcheck-docker
To allow Ctrl + C during cppcheck run use -t
docker argument:
docker run -t -v $(pwd):/src neszt/cppcheck-docker
docker build -t cppcheck .
For Specific version use any tag from cppcheck tags
docker build --build-arg SOURCE_BRANCH=2.2 -t cppcheck .