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769 lines (500 loc) · 26.7 KB

File metadata and controls

769 lines (500 loc) · 26.7 KB



Breaking Changes

  • Removed Symbol

    Upgrade Guide

    • Remove all references to Symbol, Symbol.keyFor, etc.
    • Get access to the action's unique id via
  • Removed getEventEmitter()

    Upgrade Guide

    • You can no longer access the internal event emitter to dispatch your own custom events. This is usually an anti-pattern.
    • If you still need this behavior you can create your own event emitter in your store.
class TodoStore {
  constructor() {
    this.eventEmitter = new EventEmitter()

      getEventEmitter: () => this.eventEmitter
  • Removed _storeName.

    Upgrade Guide

    • _storeName was an internal property to the store where the store's name was kept.
    • You can now use displayName instead which is a public API.
  • Removed stateKey. commit

    Upgrade Guide

    • A stateKey property was configurable on stores as well as app level.
    • This has now been removed.
    • This key was mostly used so you can use the react-like API of this.state, now this is being supported first-class.
// old behavior
class MyStore {
  static config = { stateKey = 'state' }

  constructor() {
    this.state = {}

Now you can just use this.state directly. If it exists it'll be picked up.

// old behavior
class MyStore {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {}

The old behavior of assigning state directly as instance properties will continue to be supported. However, this new behavior will be favored in the docs.

  • Render.toString/toStaticMarkup now return an object rather than a string of html.

    Upgrade Guide

// old
Render.toString(App, props).then(markup => console.log(markup))

// new
Render.toString(App, props).then(obj => console.log(obj.html))
  • Render.toDOM no longer locks by default.

    Upgrade Guide

    • Render.toDOM used to "lock" meaning it wouldn't perform the fetches on the client when it rendered.
    • Now this is configurable and off by default in case you want to use Render to render client side only.
// old
Render.toDOM(App, props, document.getElementById('react-root'))

// new
// the `true` is to not fetch client side.
Render.toDOM(App, props, document.getElementById('react-root'), true)


  • You may now return from actions directly in order to dispatch, no need to call this.dispatch.
  • connectToStores can now be used where you specify the methods at the callsite. commit
  • statics addon lets you add your static methods to components that have been connected. commit


  • Made the promise resolution to then(success, failure) so errors will be properly rejected. commit



  • componentDidConnect for connectToStores. Allows you to specify data fetching in there. commit

  • Hot reload of stores using webpack. commit


  • Reversed the then/catch in the promise resolution for data sources so the catch only handles data source failures. commit

  • Throw when passing undefined to store.unlisten. commit



  • preventDefault to stop a store from emitting a change. commit

  • observe() a way for POJOs to observe for changes. commit

  • otherwise() listen to all dispatches that have not been bound in your stores. commit

  • reduce() listen to all dispatches in a store and return the new state. commit

  • output() transform the output that is emitted from the stores. commit

  • Proper server rendering resolving all data at the component level before rendering. commit

  • Batched dispatches to avoid having componentWillMount cause a cannot dispatch while dispatching error when it loses context. commit

  • Alt.debug for registering your alt instance with chrome dev tools. commit

  • Function utils for transforming store state. commit



  • interceptResponse method to data sources commit


  • Revert breaking change back to merge state. 0.17.0 will include bootstrap, recycle, and flush replace state instead of merge state. commit


  • local method in data source must return null or undefined to trigger remote commit



  • Fixes bug with recycle for keys that weren't set at the beginning. commit
  • Fixes isLoading for multiple async calls. commit



  • @decorate(alt) to decorate your store and activate all @bind and @expose methods. commit
  • getStores in conenctToStores decorator/wrapper function now receives props from a store. commit
  • Solving the async debate. commit



  • @bind and @expose decorators for binding actions and exporting public methods. commit
  • Made the lifecycles eventemitters so you can bind multiple. commit


  • Bug with react-native. Stop using the Object.assign polyfill since react-native overrides it with a non-spec compliant one. commit



  • Updates es-symbol.



  • Now passing more information through the dispatch about the action invoked. commit


This release is a pretty big one and it also marks Alt's first breaking changes.

Breaking Changes

Upgrade guide is included with each bullet point.

  • New method signatures for createStore, createActions, etc. commit

    Upgrade Guide

    • Previously all constructors for stores and actions received the alt instance as its first argument.
    • You now have to pass this in yourself.
// old behavior

class MyStore {
  constructor(alt) { }
// allows you to pass in your own arguments to the constructors

class MyStore {
  constructor(alt, one, two, three) { }

alt.createStore(MyStore, null, alt, 1, 2, 3)
  • beforeEach/afterEach methods have been moved to lifecycle. commit

    Upgrade Guide

    • Previously the beforeEach and afterEach methods existed as a prototype method on the store.
    • Now they are lifecycle methods.
// the new way

class Store {
  constructor() {
    this.on('beforeEach', () => {
  • withAltContext is now in decorator form. commit

    Upgrade Guide

    • Previously withAltContext took two arguments. The flux and the component.
    • Now it takes a single argument, flux. It returns a function which takes another argument, the component.

    As a decorator:

    export default class App extends React.Component {
      render() {
        return <div>{this.context.flux}</div>

    As a function:

    export default withAltContext(alt)(App);
  • Lifecycle method serialize and deserialize have been renamed and moved. commit

    Upgrade Guide

    • Rename serialize to onSerialize.
    • Rename deserialize to onDeserialize.
    • Move those methods to your Store's configuration.
    // new hotness
    class TodoStore {
      static config = {
        onSerialize() {
        onDeserialize() {
  • atomicTransactions util has been renamed to just atomic. commit

    Upgrade Guide

    • Change all your import/require from alt/util/atomicTransactions to alt/util/atomic
  • Removed mixins from browser-with-addons. commit

Mixins are dead, all hail our new higher-order component overlords. Please use AltContainer instead:

  • Method signature for beforeEach, afterEach, error lifecycle events have changed. commit

    Upgrade Guide

    • Previously the method signature looked like fn(actionName, data, state).
    • Now it has been simplified to fn(payload, state) where payload is an object.
    • The payload object contains keys action and data which contain the information from before.
class Store {
  constructor() {
    this.on('beforeEach', (payload, state) => {


class TodoStore { }

  • connectToStores function which also works with decorators. commit
class TodoApp extends React.Component {
  static getStores() {
    return [TodoStoreStore]
  static getPropsFromStores(props) {
    return TodoStore.getState()
  render() {
    return (
        { => <Todo todo={todo} />}
  • ImmutableJS support, in an addon as a decorator. commit
class TodoStore {
  constructor() {
    this.state = Immutable.Map({})
  • Use store references to take snapshots. commit
alt.takeSnapshot(TodoStore); // returns only TodoStore's snapshot
  • Use store references to recycle. commit
alt.recycle(TodoStore); // recycles only TodoStore
  • Simple decorators for creating stores and actions. commit
import { createStore } from 'alt/utils/decorators'

export default class TodoStore {
  constructor() {
  • Apply transforms at the app level to modify each store before it is created. commit
alt.stateTransforms.push(Store => {
  // make every store atomic
  return atomic(alt)(Store)
  • Add specific configuration to your stores, like how getState and setState behave. commit
class TodoStore {
  static config = {
    getState(state) {
      // adds a new todo every time you getState
      return states.todos.push({ 'Another todo!' });
  • Create your actions inside the constructor by using instance properties. commit
class FooActions {
  constructor() {
    this.myAction = function (x) {
  • All actions created are now available in alt.actions. commit

  • inject prop to AltContainer. commit

// inject lets you inject arbitrary props to your children

<AltContainer inject={{ foo: 7, bar: 'hello' }}>
  <div />

// div gets prop foo=7 and bar='hello'
  • component prop to AltContainer. commit

  • alt has a prepare method which prepares a payload for bootstrapping. commit

// rather than rendering its children you can now pass in a component

<AltContainer component={MyComponent} />

// equivalent to

  <MyComponent />
  • Allow customizing where you assign your state as a key. commit
// if you yearn for a react-like API you can now has

const alt = new Alt({ stateKey: 'state' });

class Store {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      stateGoesHere: 1,
      yay: 2

    this.nowItsPrivate = true;
// Customize the way getState and setState behave at the app level.

const alt = new Alt({
  getState(state) {
    // add fuzzlewuzzle to every state
    state.fuzzlewuzzle = true;
    return state;

  setState(existingState, newState) {
    // forget existingState, in with the new out with the old
    return newState;
  • Added maxEvents parameter to DispatcherRecorder. This allows you to specify how many events you wish to record. commit


  • Performance improvement when creating a really large number of actions. commit
  • finalStore is cached per alt instance so it only returns one. commit
  • Override a store's name using displayName. commit
  • Fix context for nested components. commit
  • Fix AltContainer and AltNativeContainer's rendering. commit
  • setState now emits a change immediately if the dispatcher is not dispatching. commit


  • Internals were refactored. commit
  • Babel was upgraded to babel5. commit
  • Action symbols are now prefixed with alt/. commit



  • Adding unlisten lifecycle method. commit
  • AltContainer now takes in store listeners for functions. commit
  • listen now returns the unlisten function. commit



  • setState has been batched, it emits a change event if there were changes. commit
  • Util for having atomic transactions in stores. commit
  • AltNativeContainer for react-native. commit
  • Add shouldComponentUpdate to AltContainer. commit
  • Centralized error handling inside stores. commit
  • Creating single actions. commit
  • You can now inject actions into your child React components using AltContainer. commit
  • FinalStore now contains the payload as state. commit



  • Chrome debugging exporter for devtool. commit



  • Define your actions as POJO. commit
  • Use generateActions with alt instances. commit


Added/### Fixed

  • AltContainer can now receive new props and it'll change. commit



  • A bug with AltContainer where it was using ES6 syntax. commit



  • AltContainer which is a react container component that facilitates listening to stores and managing data. commit
  • beforeEach and afterEach hooks in stores for extending. commit
  • Allow custom dispatcher to be specified. commit
  • Adds serialize/loadEvents to the DispatcherRecorder. You can now transfer events between different alt instances and machines. commit
  • You can now get a list of a store's bound listeners with boundListeners. commit
  • Testing has been made even easier with access to the original store class with StoreModel. commit
  • takeSnapshot now allows you to take a snapshot of a single store. commit
  • rollback, flush, and recycle now emit change events. commit, commit
  • Adds AltManagerUtil which lets you manage multiple instances of alt. commit


  • Fixes build on Windows. commit
  • If a non-store is passed to bootstrap it no longer crashes. commit
  • Added the snapshot method back in. commit



  • Added react-native support. commit



  • Create stores with a POJO. commit
  • Add serialize/deserialize lifecycle listener methods. commit
  • Add isomorphic rendering util. commit
  • emitChange method lets you emit directly from within a store without having to getInstance first. commit

Dev ### Dependencies

  • Update babel to 4.7.13. commit
  • Update eslint to 0.17.1 and remove babel-eslint. commit.



  • exportPublicMethods can be used within a store to export public getter methods from the store. commit


  • Future spec compliant change of making the derived store class call super before setting this. commit



  • Browser builds for bower. commit


  • The store name generator is now more robust. commit



  • es-symbol has been updated to 1.1.1 commit



  • createStore no longer throws when it encounters a store with the same name. Instead if generates a new name for you and warns you in the console. If a store name is not specified due to using anonymous functions then a warning is also logged. commit


  • es-symbol has been updated to 1.1.0 for better IE8 compatibility. commit



  • Added access to the internal EventEmitter used by the store. This can be access on the store instance by using getEventEmitter() and can be used for custom events. commit
  • Added a setState method for syntactic sugar which sets the state in the instance variables inside your store and then emits a change event. commit
  • Added emitChange method. No more this.getInstance().emitChange, now you can just this.emitChange() from inside a store. commit
  • Added syntactic sugar for waitFor. waitFor now takes in a splat or array of stores or dispatch tokens. commit
  • The alt instance now gets passed to the store constructor as well as the actions constructor. commit
  • ActionListener is a util that allows you to listen in on specific actions. Now it's even more lightweight if you want to listen in on a specific action but don't want the weight of a store. This comes as a util meaning it doesn't increase the size of core alt. Use it if you need it. commit


  • addStore now has the saveStore parameter as well. commit



  • DispatcherRecorder is a util that allows you to record and replay a series of actions. commit
  • FinalStore is a util Store that emits a change once all other stores have emitted. commit
  • Added a saveStore parameter to alt.createStore. This parameter controls whether we should save the store internally (for snapshots, bootstraps) or not. Default is true. commit


  • All the mixins in the mixins folder don't make React complain about binding. commit



  • Create context on add in Subscribe mixin. commit


  • Change lifecycle hook for Listener mixin to ComponentWillMount so that it functions are identical between server rendering and client rendering. commit



  • Add bindListeners method to Store. This is the inverse of bindActions. commit
  • Create shorthand form of createActions, generateActions. commit
  • Add/update several helpful mixins: FluxyMixin, ReactStateMagicMixin, and Subscribe. commit



  • Add tests.



  • Add bower.json to enable Alt with Bower. commit
  • Initial mixin pack addition. commit
  • ListenerMixin updated to listenTo various stores. commit



  • Upgrade to Babel 4.0 (formerly 6to5). commit



  • Allow dispatching specific actions with any data. commit
  • Remove dispatcher symbol from actions. commit


  • Assure that store instances do not collide. commit
  • Fix bug with defer where it is not variadic. commit



  • Allow same action name on different Action Classes. commit



  • Allow unlimited bootstraps. commit



  • Replace lifecycle method API. commit
  • Add lifecycle methods, onBootstrapped and onRolledBack. commit
  • Distribute Alt with 6to5 runtime. commit
  • Allow creating many instances of Stores. commit





  • Add a class to safeguard call checks. commit



  • Add exportObj argument to createActions. commit



  • Allow recycling of specific stores. commit



  • Unlimited boostrapping on server. commit



  • Add recycle and flush methods. commit
  • Make stores available in alt.stores. commit