ROS package for the Ricoh Theta S omnidirectional camera.
Tested with ROS Kinetic.
The user guide provides more detailed explanations on how to use this camera.
See the wiki.
Connect the camera to the computer in Live Streaming mode and run:
roslaunch ricoh_camera capture.launch
A window will display the images of both fish-eye cameras (front and back).
Default configuration:
- Input device:
- Resolution: 1280 x 720
- Frequency: 30 Hz
You can also test the package with Docker.
- With USB connection the frequency is limited to 15 Hz
- With HDMI to USB3 connection the resolution can be set to 1920 x 1080 at 30 Hz
This package can be used for visualization on a skysphere with rviz:
Clone and build the package in your workspace:
git clone
cd ..
Launch the camera streaming and visualization with:
roslaunch ricoh_camera capture.launch
roslaunch rviz_textured_sphere demo.launch
Note: the images are projected without any calibration.
Test with live images:
roslaunch ricoh_camera test_eqrect_python_live.launch
Test with a bag file (set the path in the launch file):
roslaunch ricoh_camera test_eqrect_python_bag.launch
Calibration files in:
jupyter notebook
, install with:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install jupyter
, install with:
python -m pip install --upgrade --user matplotlib
Run the notebook with:
jupyter notebook `rospack find ricoh_camera`/notebooks/Equirectangular_Projection.ipynb