A prototype of a new verinice version.
- Install Java 8.
Clone project:
git clone ssh://[email protected]:7999/rd/v2020.git
cd v2020
Build project:
export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk-8
./gradlew build [-x test]
- Install Java 8.
- Install MySQL, MariaDB or PostgreSQL
- Create an empty database v2020
Run VNA Import
Set your database properties in file veo-vna-import/src/main/resources/application.properties and rebuild the application.
./gradlew veo-vna-import:bootJar
java -jar veo-vna-import/build/libs/veo-vna-import-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
-f /path/to/verinice-archive-file.vna
Run REST Service
Set your database properties in file veo-rest/src/main/resources/application.properties and rebuild the application.
./gradlew veo-rest:bootRun
./gradlew veo-rest:jar
java -jar veo-rest/build/libs/veo-rest-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Deploy to Cloud Foundry
Check and set your Cloud Foundry parameters in file veo-rest/build.gradle
in section cfConfig
. After that export user name and password as environment variables:
You can not push your the REST service to a Cloud Foundry instance:
./gradlew cf-push
This module contains the core components of the application. This module can be used in any other module of the application.
This module contains the JAXB class files for accessing SNCA.xml from verinice.
This module contains the implementation of the REST services of the REST API.
The JSON schemas accepted by the API can be found in ${veo.basedir}/schemas/. If this directory does not exist, built-in schema files will be served as default.
veo.basedir can be set in application.properties and is /var/lib/veo by
default. The gradle task bootRun
sets veo.basedir to
This module contains an importer for verinice archives (VNAs).
This module provides functionality to validate JSON used throughout the API.
Each JSON has to be valid against a JSON schema, possibly defined by clients, in particular unknown to the developer. To define a common base for all such veo JSON schemas a meta schema is defined, see META-SCHEMA.md
Entity–relationship model of the database:
veo-rest uses JWT to authorize users. Tokens can be obtained by a POST
on /login
, e.g.
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{
"username": "user",
"password": "password"
}' http://localhost:8070/login
On success the response will contain a header
Authorization: Bearer <token>
This header has to be part of every further request
Code styles are enforced using the gradle plugins pmd and spotless.
To verify your code run
./gradlew pmdMain
./gradlew spotlessCheck
or just
./gradlew check
A sample git hook is provided, which checks the code style on each commit. To install, copy the file to .git/hooks/pre-commit.