A Holistic Visual Place Recognition Approach using Lightweight CNNs for Severe ViewPoint and Appearance Changes
- There are four benchmark datasets tested on the proposed methodology:
- Berlin Halenseestrasse
- Berlin Kudamm
- Berlin A100
- Garden Point
- Syhthesized Nordland
Each dataset contains two traverses of the same route under different viewpoints and conditions
- A "Result" folder in each dataset contains the matched and unmatched image files using the proposed approach
- For each test image, the retrived image is correct if its name is written in green color else red color shows it is treated as unmatched
- In some unmatched scenarios, we observed that the retrieved image is quite similar/closer to the test image but due to the ground truth priorities, our algorithm kept those unmatched which reflects in the AUC-PR curve.
- Pickle files are there for two settings i.e. N= 200 Regions with V =128 clusters and N =400 Regions with V =256 clusters
- Each file is a dictionary containing keys as test images names and values contain the retrieval information i.e. scores , retrieved image names etc
- Each Value is a list which contains the name of ground truth image, predicted label, prediction score and the retrieved image name
- Each file is a dictionary containing keys as test images names and values contain the retrieval information i.e. scores , retrieved image names etc
- A "Result" folder in each dataset contains the matched and unmatched image files using the proposed approach
There is another folder "Vocabulary", containing dataset "2.6K", employed for making regional dictionaries
- Two pickle files are there, one with N= 400 regions clustered into V= 64,128,256 regions, where the other file contains N= 100,200,300 regions clustered again into V= 64,128,256 regions each. Each file is again a nested dictionary with nested keys as Region (N) and Cluster (V).
A python script "produceResults.py" can generate the results i.e. AUC-PR and retrieved images for both the configurations using the Pickle files. The user just need to defined the "datasetIndex" and "dir" parameter.
Configuration 1: N = 200, V=128 (AUC-PR Results)
- Berlin Halenseestrasse: 0.787
- Berlin Kudamm: 0.297
- Berlin A100: 0.7381
- Garden Point: 0.6540
- Synthesized Nordland: 0.409
Configuration 2: N = 400, V=256 (AUC-PR Results)
- Berlin Halenseestrasse: 0.825
- Berlin Kudamm: 0.395
- Berlin A100: 0.7117
- Garden Point: 0.7225
- Synthesized Nordland: 0.456