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File metadata and controls

87 lines (64 loc) · 3.64 KB

Locally-built strategy

Building assets directly on your server can bring its performances down during deployments. If you'd rather build your application locally and then upload it to your hosts as the next release, you can use the local strategy.

Local strategy diagram

Note that this deployment strategy generates two releases (one locally and one on the server). Thus, it tend to be a longuer deployment process.

More information about available tasks can be found here.

Tasks specific to the local strategy


The local:build task generates a release locally and uses the shallow hook hook:build to let you attach any necessary building tasks (like npm:install and npm:production).

task('local:build', function() {
    set('deploy_path', get('local_deploy_path'));
    set('previous_release', get('local_cache_repository'));
    set('keep_releases', get('local_keep_releases'));

    foreach (get('shared_dirs') as $dir) {
        if (test("[ -d {{previous_release}}/$dir ]")) {
            run("mkdir -p {{release_path}}/$dir");
            run("rsync -r --ignore-existing {{previous_release}}/$dir {{release_path}}/" . dirname(parse($dir)));
    foreach (get('shared_files') as $file) {
        if (test("[ -f {{previous_release}}/$file ]")) {
            run("mkdir -p {{release_path}}/" . dirname(parse($file)));
            run("rsync --ignore-existing {{previous_release}}/$file {{release_path}}/$file");

    invoke('hook:build');       // Any tasks hooked to `build` will be called locally
  • By default the local release will be built in vendor/lorisleiva/laravel-deployer/.build. You can change this by overriding the local_deploy_path option.

    // config/deploy.php
    'options' => [
        'local_deploy_path' => 'my/custom/path',
  • By default the root of your application will be used as the local previous_release. This enables better performances when locally cloning your git repository or installing node_modules. You can change this by overriding the local_cache_repository option.

  • By default the local build of your application will only keep one release since the entire local_deploy_path will be deleted after deployment. You can change this by overriding the local_keep_releases option.

  • Between the deploy:update_code and the deploy:shared tasks, we try to populate the shared folder with the local_cache_repository's content. This is particularly helpful for shared files and folders that are gitignored, e.g. .env and storage/.


The local:upload task uses rsync -azP --delete to synchronize the local release with the server's release. By default, it excludes the following folders:

  • The .git folder since its irrelevant to the server's release.
  • The vendor folder since its more efficient to do a deploy:vendors directly on the server.
  • The node_modules folder since the assets have been already compiled locally.
// config/deploy.php

'options' => [
    'local_upload_options' => [
        'options' => [ 


The local:cleanup task will remove the entire folder used to build the release locally, i.e. the local_deploy_path folder.