kamiichi99 / keyball
Forked from Yowkees/keyballkeyball is split keyboard has 100% track ball
MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications. Soundflower works on macOS Catalina.
protonet / jquery.inview
Forked from zuk/jquery.inviewA jQuery plugin that adds a bindable 'inview' event for detecting when an element is scrolled into view.
naokomc / _s
Forked from Automattic/_sHi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme …
tombfix / core
Forked from to/tomblooTombfix is Fork of Tombloo. The main purpose is the maintenance of Tombloo.
adamjgrant / kickstart
Forked from twbs/bootstrapKickstart is a CSS library designed for modularity and fast page performance
pigeon6 / Pixen
Forked from Pixen/PixenPixel art editor for Mac OS X