This tutorial will show you how to leverage Azure Active Directory to enable single sign-on for users of Office 365 customers. You will learn how to:
- Provision the web application in a customer's tenant
- Protect the application using WS-Federation
- Visual Studio 2010 SP1
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
- Windows Identity Foundation 1.0 Runtime
- Windows Identity Foundation 3.5 SDK
- Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5 with SSL enabled
- Windows PowerShell
- Office 365 PowerShell Commandlets
- Open Visual Studio as an Administrator.
- From the File menu, click New Project.
- From the template menu on the left, select Web, then click ASP.NET MVC 3 Web Application. Name the project OrgIdFederationSample.
- On the New ASP.NET MVC 3 Project dialog, select the Empty template, then click OK.
- After Visual Studio generates the new project, right click on the Controllers folder in Solution Explorer, click Add, then click Controller.
- On the Add Controller dialog, name the new controller HomeController.cs, then click Add.
- The HomeController.cs file will be created and opened. In the code file, right click on the Index() method and click Add View....
- On the Add View dialog, click OK. An Index.cshtml file will be created in a new folder named Home.
- Right-click on your OrgIdFederationSample project in Solution Explorer, then click Properties.
- On the properties window, click Web on the left menu, then select Use Local IIS Web server. A dialog may appear asking you to create a virtual directory for the project; click Yes on the dialog.
- Build and run the application. The Index page of your Home controller will appear.
The provisioning process begins by creating a new Service Principal for the application. Service Principals are used by Azure Active Directory to register and authenticate applications to the directory.
Download and install the Office 365 PowerShell Commandlets if you haven't done so already.
From the Start menu, run the Microsoft Online Services Module for Windows PowerShell console. This console provides a command-line environment for configuring attributes about your Office 365 tenant, such as creating and modifying Service Principals.
To import the required MSOnlineExtended module, type the following command and press Enter:
Import-Module MSOnlineExtended -Force
To connect to your Office 365 directory, you will need to provide the company's administrator credentials. Type the following command and press Enter, then enter your credential's at the prompt:
Now you will create a new Service Principal for the application. Type the following command and press Enter:
New-MsolServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalNames @("OrgIdFederationSample/localhost") -DisplayName "Federation Sample Web Site" -Type Symmetric -Usage Verify -StartDate "12/01/2012" -EndDate "12/01/2013"
This step will output information similar to the following:
The following symmetric key was created as one was not supplied qY+Drf20Zz+A4t2w e3PebCopoCugO76My+JMVsqNBFc=
DisplayName : Federation Sample Web Site
ServicePrincipalNames : {OrgIdFederationSample/localhost}
ObjectId : 59cab09a-3f5d-4e86-999c-2e69f682d90d
AppPrincipalId : 7829c758-2bef-43df-a685-717089474505
TrustedForDelegation : False
AccountEnabled : True
KeyType : Symmetric
KeyId : f1735cbe-aa46-421b-8a1c-03b8f9bb3565
StartDate : 12/01/2012 08:00:00 a.m.
EndDate : 12/01/2013 08:00:00 a.m.
Usage : Verify
<div class="dev-callout"><strong>Note</strong><p>You should save this output, especially the generated symmetric key. This key is only revealed to you during Service Principal creation, and you will be unable to retrieve it in the future. The other values are required for using the Graph API to read and write information in the directory.</p></div>
The final step sets the reply URL for your application. The reply URL is where responses are sent following authentication attempts. Type the following commands and press enter:
$replyUrl = New-MsolServicePrincipalAddresses -Address "https://localhost/OrgIdFederationSample" Set-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId "7829c758-2bef-43df-a685-717089474505" -Addresses $replyUrl
The web application has now been provisioned in the directory and it can be used for web single sign-on by company employees.
This step shows you how to add support for federated login using Windows Identity Foundation (WIF). You will also add a login page and configure trust between the application and the directory tenant.-
In Visual Studio, right-click the OrgIdFederationSample project and select "Add STS reference...". This context menu option was added when you installed the WIF SDK.
In the Federation Utility dialog under Application URI, you need to provide the URI in the following format:
spn:<Your AppPrincipalId>@<Your Directory Domain>
spn specifies that the URI is a Service Principal name, Your AppPrincpalId is the AppPrincipalId GUID value generated when you created a Service Principal, and Your Directory Domain is the * domain for the directory tenant. For this sample application, a complete Application URI value is specified as shown below:
After you have entered the Application URI, click Next.
A warning dialog will appear stating that "The application is not hosted on a secure https connection." This is caused by the Federation Utility not recognizing the spn: format, but the application will still use a secure https connection anyway. Click Yes to continue.
On the next page of the Federation Utility, select Use an existing STS, then under STS WS-Federation metadata document location, enter the URL for the WS-Federation metadata document. This URL is specified in the following format:<Domain Name or Tenant ID>/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml
For this application, the WS-Federation metadata location is specified as shown below:
After you have entered the metadata location, click Next.
On the next page of the Federation Utility, select Disable certificate chain validation, then click Next.
On the next page of the Federation Utility, select No encryption, then click Next.
The next page of the Federation Utility displays the claims provided by the STS. Review the claims, then click Next.
Next you will configure Internet Information Services (IIS) to support SSL for your development environment. To open the IIS Manager, you can type inetmgr at the Run prompt.
In IIS Manager, expand the Sites folder in the left menu, then click on Default Web Site Home. From the Actions menu on the right, click Bindings....
On the Site Bindings dialog, click Add. On the Add Site Binding dialog, change the Type dropdown to https, then under SSL certificate, select IIS Express Development Certificate. Click OK.
In IIS Manager, click Application Pools in the left menu, then select the ASP.NET v4.0 entry in the list and click Advanced Settings from the Actions menu on the right.
On the Advanced Settings dialog, set the Load User Profile property to true. Click OK.
In Visual Studio, open the Web.config file from Solution Explorer in the root of your project.
In the Web.config file, locate the wsFederation section and add a reply attribute with the same value as the $replyUrl variable you specified when creating the Service Principal. For example:
<wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true" issuer="" realm="spn: 7829c758-2bef-43df-a685-717089474505" requireHttps="false" reply="https://localhost/OrgIdFederationSample" />
Add a httpRuntime node inside the system.web section with the requestValidationMode attribute set to 2.0. For example:
<system.web> <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" /> ...
Save the Web.config file.
Now that you have enabled authentication for the web application, the Index page should be modified to present an authenticated user's claims. Open the Index.cshtml file located in the Home folder of the Views folder.
Add the following code snippet to the Index.cshtml file and save it:
<p> @if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { <ul> @foreach (string claim in ((Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.IClaimsIdentity)this.User.Identity).Claims.Select(c => c.ClaimType + " : " + c.Value)) { <li>@claim</li> } </ul> } </p>
After you have saved the changes to the Index.cshtml file, press F5 to run the application. You will be redirected to the Office 365 Identity Provider page, where you can log in using your directory tenant credentials. For example, [email protected].
After you have signed in using your credentials, you will be redirected to the Index page of your Home controller, where your account's claims are displayed. This demonstrates a user successfully authenticating to the application using single sign-on provided by Azure Active Directory.