- Montreal, Canada
cookbook Public
Forked from huggingface/cookbookOpen-source AI cookbook
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 4, 2024 -
ultralytics Public
Forked from ultralytics/ultralyticsNEW - YOLOv8 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > OpenVINO > CoreML > TFLite
Python GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 1, 2024 -
autodistill-grounding-dino Public
Forked from autodistill/autodistill-grounding-dinoGrounding DINO module for use with Autodistill.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 11, 2023 -
better_line_counter Public
Improved version of Roboflow LineCounter class
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 28, 2023 -
administrate Public
Forked from thoughtbot/administrateA Rails engine that helps you put together a super-flexible admin dashboard.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 27, 2020 -
react-tiny-fab Public
Forked from dericcain/react-tiny-fab🤖A tiny Floating Action Button for React
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2019 -
powerbi-docs Public
Forked from MicrosoftDocs/powerbi-docsPowerShell Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedDec 18, 2018 -
SQDC-Out-of-Stock-Notification Public
Forked from spoji/SQDC-Back-in-Stock-NotificationProvides the option to subscribe to stock notifications for SQDC products directly from the product page.
JavaScript Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedNov 22, 2018 -
libraries Public
Forked from ItKindaWorks/librariesRepo of various libraries used in my tutorials. Unless specifically noted, the libraries are NOT my own and all credit goes to their creators.
C++ UpdatedMay 26, 2018 -
face_recognition Public
Forked from ageitgey/face_recognitionThe world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 3, 2018 -
fakenewsredis Public
Forked from ska-sa/fakenewsredisFake implementation of redis API (redis-py) for testing purposes (forked from fakeredis)
Python Other UpdatedNov 10, 2017 -
python-dlib Public
Forked from dalloriam/python-dlibPython 3.6 bundled with Dlib
MIT License UpdatedOct 2, 2017 -
checklister Public
Forked from benichu/checklisterChecklister is a CLI packaged as a Ruby gem giving you the power to transform any markdown file or url checklist into an actionable gitlab (and soon github) issue.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 24, 2015 -
2ret-vim Public
Forked from benichu/2ret-vimMy personal vim distribution
Vim Script MIT License UpdatedSep 17, 2015 -
pg_morph Public
Forked from LunarLogic/pg_morphPgMorph gives you a way to handle DB consistency for polymorphic relations and is based on postgreSQL inheritance and partitioning features.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2014 -
neo4j Public
Forked from neo4jrb/activegraphA Graph Database for JRuby. It uses the java lib neo4j as storage and lucene for quering/indexing
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 15, 2013 -
vimeo Public
Forked from matthooks/vimeoA full featured Ruby implementation of the Vimeo API
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 2, 2013 -
spree Public
Forked from spree/spreeSpree is a complete open source e-commerce solution for Ruby on Rails.
Ruby Other UpdatedNov 25, 2013 -
opinio Public
Forked from Draiken/opinioA rails 3 comments engine
spree_auth_devise Public
Forked from spree/spree_auth_deviseProvides authentication for Spree by using Devise.
Ruby BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 25, 2013 -
spree_print_invoice Public
Forked from stresslimit/spree_print_invoiceCreate a PDF invoice for Spree orders
Ruby UpdatedSep 26, 2013 -
doorkeeper Public
Forked from doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeperDoorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Rails.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 23, 2013 -
iron Public
Forked from hapijs/ironEncapsulated tokens (encrypted and mac'ed objects)
JavaScript Other UpdatedJul 15, 2013 -
split Public
Forked from splitrb/splitThe Rack Based AB testing framework
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 21, 2013 -
koudoku Public
Forked from andrewculver/koudokuRobust subscription support for Rails with Stripe.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 30, 2013 -
socialization Public
Forked from cmer/socializationSocialize your app with Likes, Follows and Mentions
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 15, 2012