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A trusty CLI companion to monitor file changes and automatically run the corresponding Ruby specs. Ready to assist on any Ruby project, no setup needed!


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Retest is a small command-line tool to help you refactor code by watching a file change and running its matching spec. Designed to be dev-centric and project independent, it can be used on the fly. No Gemfile updates, no commits to a repo or configuration files required to start refactoring. Works with every Ruby projects (at least that is the end goal)


It is advised to be one cmd + z away from green tests when refactoring. This means running tests after every line change. Let Retest rerun your tests after every file change you make.

Retest gem is meant to be simple and follow testing conventions encountered in Ruby projects. Give it a go you can uninstall it easily. If you think the matching pattern could be improved please raise an issue.

For fully fledged solutions, some cli tools already exists: autotest, guard, zentest



Install it on your machine with:

$ gem install retest
$ retest 'bundle exec rspec <test>'


Launch retest in your terminal after accessing your ruby project folder.

Pass the test command surrounded by quotes. Use the placeholder <test> in your command to tell retest where to put the path of the test file in your command. Example: retest 'bundle exec rspec <test>'. When a file is changed retest will find its matching test and run it.

Learn more by running retest -h

Usage: retest  [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

Watch a file change and run it matching spec.

  COMMAND  The test command to rerun when a file changes.
           Use <test> placeholder to tell retest where to put the matching

      --all    Run all the specs of a specificied ruby setup
  -h, --help   Print usage
      --rails  Shortcut for 'bundle exec rails test <test>'
      --rake   Shortcut for 'bundle exec rake test TEST=<test>'
      --rspec  Shortcut for 'bundle exec rspec <test>'
      --ruby   Shortcut for 'bundle exec ruby <test>'

  Runs a matching rails test after a file change
    $ retest 'bundle exec rails test <test>'
    $ retest --rails

  Runs all rails tests after a file change
    $ retest 'bundle exec rails test'
    $ retest --rails --all

  Runs a hardcoded command after a file change
    $ retest 'ruby lib/bottles_test.rb'

The gem works as follows:

  • When a file is changed, retest will run its matching file test.
  • When a test file is changed, retest will run the file test.
  • When multiple matching test files are found, retest asks you to confirm the file and save the answer.
  • When a test file is not found, retest runs the last run command or throw a 404.


Retest works in Docker too. You can install the gem and launch retest in your container while refactoring.

$ docker-compose run web bash # enter your container
$ gem install retest
$ retest 'bundle exec rails test <test>'


  • If an error comes in try using bundle exec like so: $ retest 'bundle exec rake test <test>'
  • Aliases saved on ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc cannot be run that way with the retest command

Ruby Support

Retest supports ruby 2.4 and above.


  • MVP
  • When multiple test files are found, ask which file to run and save the answer.
  • When a test file is not found run the last command again.
  • Run within Docker.
  • Handle main Ruby setups
    • Bundler Gem
    • Rails
    • Ad-hoc scripts
    • Hanami
    • Sinatra
    • Cuba? Padrino?
  • Handle other languages: Elixir, Node, Python, PHP
  • Aliases from oh-my-zsh and bash profiles?


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

To run integration tests on one setup (ex: hanami-app): bin/test/hanami-app

To access an app container (ex: ruby-app): docker-compose -f features/ruby-app/docker-compose.yml run retest sh


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open-source under the terms of the MIT License.